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"Honey I'm ready to go to beach state!" y/n stated walking into the Matthews house Shawn

"Dear would you mind helping me load the car?" Eric replied

"no that's the mans job" y/n said

"Watch it Eric y/n is my girl" Shawn warned

"We're joking Shawn we've been doing that for years" y/n said

"Oh right"

y/n helped Eric pack the car while Mr and Mrs Matthews talk to both Cory and Shawn

"Trust me we won't be doing anything naughty" Shawn said leaving

"We're serious both of you do something to y/n and topanga and your dead" Mr Matthews stated


It hasn't even been a day at Beach state and we ended up leaving. Me and Shawn went to my house and watched a movie but got bored so we went up to my room


"We're finally going to be seniors now huh?" Y/N asked

"Yeah I guess so"

I should just kiss and and take it to the next step already! She's right there infront of me just kiss her first start it off slow shawn you got this!

"I'm ready Shawn"

"Ready for what?"

She gave me that look and I knew what she was talking about. We sat there in silence till I finally kissed, I slid my tongue into her mouth. I pushed her back as we kept kissing slowly moving down to her neck. I pulled as we both started undressing left in our underclothes

I looked down at her chest slowly rising up and down from her breathing

"Shawn stop staring"

"I just can't help it ma" I said smirking running a hand threw my hair making her roll her eyes "now this is my first time doing it so I may not be good"

"It's my first time too Shawn so shut up and let's do this before I change my mind"

I went back to kissing her as one of my hands take a little travel break to her clit moving her underwear off of her. I started rubbing her clit making her more eager

"Quit it!"

"Quit what?"

"Shawn I swe-" I stuffed my two fingers in her making her moan, I could also get used to that

"Wait you do have a you know" y/n asked

"Yeah" I answered

I took out the condom putting it on than shoving myself right into her going faster each time making her moan it's like music to my ears

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