
"Ok what is so important that you not only ran into my room told me to come over than called me and told me to come" I asked walking into the Matthews house where Cory and Eric were

"Shawn and topanga kissed" Eric said

"I'm sorry what?" I asked

I mean me and Shawn aren't even dating but he kissed my best friend and his best friend's girlfriend.

I went over to their phone and tried calling both them


"I did not imagine y/n taking this differently especially like that" Eric said "hey calm down" Eric said

"HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BE CALM ERIC?!" "He promised he'll wait for me but with my best friend?" I asked sidling down the wall


"Ok when we walk in be calm don't get mad like you did yesterday" Cory told me as we walked into the cafeteria

"Than you go in before me" I said already feeling the anger get to me.

Topanga walked out and I grabbed her wrist

"y/n now is not the time please"

"No topanga I wanna know why you kissed Shawn?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Eric said he saw you and Shawn kiss at chubbies yesterday"

"Why does it even matter to you? It's not like you guys are even dating"

"Yeah but your dating Cory! And not to mention his best friend!"

"Your being over dramatic"

"Over dramatic?!"

"Can you atleast hear me out? You have no idea what this is really about"

"no I don't want to hear it! I don't even know if I want to be your friend anymore" I said walking away

Topanga grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a classroom "y/n you know I tell you everything so I'm going to tell you everything and than truth"

I just stood there waiting for her to continue

"Me and my parents got into a small argument about moving and Shawn was the first person who ran into me so I told him and I started crying to he comforted me"

"What about the kiss?"

"It was on the cheek and it was in a friendly"

"Wait your moving topanga" I went to give her a hug no matter how upset or mad I can be at her I can never stop being her friend even if I say it I don't mean it

"y/n you know I support you and Shawn, speaking of Shawn I think he wants to talk to you now I'll see you"

We pulled away from the hug and I turned behind me seeing Shawn with his hands in his pocket walking in as topanga walked out

{ my girl or not my girl? }Where stories live. Discover now