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{few months later}

it was topanga and Cory's wedding & y/n and Shawn's wedding day.

The girls were getting their makeup and nails done.

"Funny how dreams come true especially with you two girls" topanga's mom spoke y/n's mom agreed

"You know I never thought we'd actually get married on the same day to the same guys who we said we'd never date" y/n spoke

"Yeah I mean we do everything together" topanga told her best friend

"We stuck together"

"Yeah we did"

"Alright girls we have to go to the venue we have 3 hours left let's go!" Topanga's mom said to the girls


Shawn and Cory were standing waiting for their brides to walk down the aisle, everyone stood up as topanga and her dad walked down the isle and y/n and with her dad walked down the isle

The girls stood across from their groom

"I can't believe we're getting married!" Shawn to Cory

"I know!" Cory beamed

The girls looked at each other rolling their eyes


After topanga and Cory gave each other their vows, y/n and Shawn gave their vows

The two slipped the ring on each others fingers saying I do

"You may kiss the brides" the priest said

Cory and topanga kissed as shawn and y/n kissed

"How does it feel to be mrs.hunter" shawn asked

"It feels good" y/n said

y/n went to go dance with her dad as shawn danced with y/n's mom


y/n and shawn were sitting at a table talking

"Can we move to New York?" y/n asked

"Anything for you mrs.hunter" shawn said

"You won't stop saying that will you?"

"No not really y/n hunter"

"But I'm serious I really want to move to New York" y/n stated

"Yeah of course we can, but in a year or two"

y/n smiled leaning her head on Shawn's shoulder  "so where should we go for our honeymoon?" y/n asked Shawn

"How about New York? It's not fancy but I thought why no-" y/n cut him off with a kiss

"I don't care if it's a fancy honeymoon or not as long as I'm with you" y/n spoke

"RUN!" Eric yelled as everyone started running

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