The next day in class the boys were crowding topanga but I was just writing "y/n is my favorite student and has been the last 2 years" on the chalk board than went to sit on his desk

"Come everyone take their seats" Mr.Turner told everyone as he walked in "what is so interesting that you all have to crowd around here"

I think Cory got jealous of Mr.Turner complementing topanga it was funny


"Yes?" I beamed 

"Get in your desk"

"Do I have to?"


I groaned leaping off his desk and going into my desk to where it's been the last 2 years right next to Shawn's desk

Mr.Feeny walked in talking about picture day and fell out of my seat which happens a lot now apparently everyone looking at me might as well put on an act!

"oh no picture day?! I need to go to the mall! Get my hair and makeup done! I need to look super super pretty for all of the boys! After I get my make over all the boys will be head over heels for me! Maybe even steal my friend's boyfriends and crushes!" I said doing an act and bowing

"Bravo miss l/n, sit down" Mr. Feeny said

"I think you did amazing!" Shawn said

Topanga looked back at me and I gave her smile which she didn't return.

Huh weird


I walked into the bathroom and finally found topanga

"I've been looking for you for 2 whole period's straight after home room!" I said out of breath

"Why to make fun of me some more?"

"Topanga what are you talking about? I would never make fun of you!"

"So what you did in home room wasn't making fun of me?"

"no why would you think that?" I asked crossing my arms

"Because of what happened yesterday with Shawn and me at the beauty salon"

"Topanga I'm not mad at you for that, we all know he was joking and the small act I did was first thing that came to mind"

"But it seemed like you did that because of me"

"Trust me I didn't, topanga you really I would make some stupid joke when I told you about the beauty salon!"

"Just admit you did that because me y/n!"

"Why does everything have to be have to be about you now?"


"Forget about it topanga" 

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