{narrator : school}


"Uh oh" Cory said "Shawn hide me!"

"What did you do this time?"

"I don't know!"

"Cory you have 3 seconds to move from behind Shawn"

"Can I get 5?"

"Woah woah woah babe I'm sure what Cory did was nothing serious" Shawn said trying to calm his friend down


"Seriously a snickers bar?"

"Yes a snickers bar and I said I was sorry! I-I didn't even know it was the last one!" Cory explained

"I'm sorry can't help you out with this one man snickers is her favorite chocolate" Shawn said putting his hands up in defeat

Cory started running but before y/n could chase after him Shawn pulled her to their classroom they didn't say anything it's was quiet.

"Hey we should write on names on the wall or something and come back our last year here signing it again so the next kids who find this class or if this class ever be used people would know" y/n said already craving her name on a front desk

The two craved their name on the same desk than leaving the class


{same day : Matthews house}

"So Cory is turning into a girl right now in that bathroom?"  y/n asked

"Yep" Shawn replied

"Sweetie? Cory? You'll have to come out eventually" topanga said

"Don't wanna, second thoughts"

"Come on out we won't laugh"

"y/n will"

"No she won't right y/n"

"Yep mhm Aboustley not" they all knew she was gonna burst into laughter once he steps out

They tried convincing Cory to come out of the bathroom and he finally did. y/n started to burst into laughter falling off the bed and taking a quick picture of him.

"Let's see your walk carina" y/n teased

Cory walked down the room a bit waving his arms, they than had Shawn do it after the gave him that 'you should be the girl' look

"Oh no no no no" Shawn said

"y/n" topanga looked towards her as she finally got off the floor

"On it"

The two went into the bathroom which was kinda tight so they were close but it's not like they hate it they both actually enjoy it

{ my girl or not my girl? }Where stories live. Discover now