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I had my arm wrapped around y/n's waist as we walked down the stairs at chubbies when I saw Cory and topanga and someone who looks like jack?

"How do you to know each other?" Topanga asked me

"He's my brother" I answered

"Of course he is! He is not your brother" Cory stated

"Same dad different moms"


Me and y/n walked out of chubbies I could tell she gave them a small smile but I ignored it.

"So we going to mines or yours?" y/n asked

"I um was actually just gonna drop you off I need some time to think"

"oh alright that's fine"


After Shawn dropped me off I called topanga and we went to the mall.

{the mall}

"y/n you can't make fun of them!" Topanga said as we both laughed at these kids

"So why are you laughing?"

"Because of you!"

We both kept laughing before we stopped and kept walking and looking around. We went to the movies after words and spent the rest of the day together.

We went back to my house and she ended up staying the night at.


The next morning me and topanga woke up early since she had to leave early so I walked to the Matthews house and saw Eric playing basketball

"hey y/n/n wanna play ball?" Eric asked

"Yeah sure"

Me and Eric were playing ball when Shawn and Cory come out

"Hey wanna play some 2 on 2 me and y/n against you and Shawn"

"no" Cory said coldly


Mr.Matthews than came out talking to Eric about something that I didn't want to here cause I know it'd hurt Eric

"I should probably go" me and Shawn said in-sync

"No no no you two stay your family" Mr. Matthew told us

I stood infront of Shawn as he wrapped his arms around me

Mr.Matthews told Eric that he has a week to find a place and told him about other stuff, Eric than walked away and so did Cory. Shawn moved away from me telling Mr.Matthews how he's a good dad

{ my girl or not my girl? }Where stories live. Discover now