{same day : same pov}

Me and y/n drove to Cory's house, usually she would walk right in but she didn't which made me kinda upset I knocked on the door before going inside.

y/n went to go sit at the table putting her face on her hand but than moved it playing with her ring, I hate seeing the people I love most upset

"She still loves him doesn't she?" Cory asked me and I nodded a yes "he still loves her too" Cory added

"We really have to get them back together" Cory nodding in agreement

The phone rang and Cory was waiting to get it before going to pick up the phone, I look at y/n and she still looks miserable. Once she heard Cory say Shawn's name she jumped out of her chair making me giggle a bit but sat back down and I sat next to hair

"I messed up really bad didn't I?"

"Shawn says he misses you y/n" Cory told her and she bit her lip her leg shaking up and down

Cory hung up the phone and I stood back up, they both missed Shawn it's obvious especially y/n

"You guys look at yourselves! Your both a wreck!"

"Don't you see topanga Shawn doesn't need me anymore"

"And Shawn doesn't love me anymore or won't even talk to me anymore"

"He has Jennifer now!" They both said at the same time

"Look when me and you started dating I let you and Shawn still be friends, and when Shawn and y/n started dating she let you and Shawn still be friends" I started "A girl that understands that a best friend is part of who you are and if she doesn't accept your best friend then she's really not accepting you" I finished my statement


Topanga was right about her whole statement, I needed Shawn back into my life even if we were just friends I just need to see him again.

"I'm about an hour you two go have dinner at chubbies" topanga said pointing to us

"Why?" We both ask, me and Cory are getting in sync a lot it's scaring me

"In about an hour" she said than left

Me and Cory cleaned up the kitchen by we I mean I ate the pie while he cleaned


I messed y/n I really did and I hate leaving her for Jennifer or going straight to Jennifer, I can't even see my own friends yet alone Cory.

I just wanted to feel her nice soft lips on mine, and hold her hand walking with each other down the hall. I wanted to even keep the ring and bracelet she gave me but Jennifer made me take it off, I even had to hide all the stuff y/n got me really good from her.

I know y/n might not take me back right away but I'll still wait for her, I want to spend the rest of my life with her, get married to her and even start a family with her!

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