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{the next day : John Addams}

Shawn and Cory were walking about their plans for after they graduate and for college

"I have no idea what my plans are" Cory stated to Shawn

"Oh interesting" Shawn said shutting his locker turning towards Cory crossing his arms "your plans not our plans hmm" Shawn added turning his lips into a straight line

"Don't you take that tone with me Shawn hunter " Cory said pointing his finger at Shawn

"I'm not taking any tone, if you want to go to college at Stanford than go" "in fact go now give you plenty of time to start making your new college friends" Shawn stated walking away


Shawn and Cory were still fighting about this morning when cory went to sit in his desk someone else was there

"Cory we agreed that we were going to go out and meet new people" Shawn said

"I'm not making you happy?" Cory questioned

The bell rang and everyone sat down, topanga looked around and didn't see y/n which made her confused because she was just with her, she was probably late.

The class was about 5 minutes in and y/n was still a no-show.

y/n walked in after 5 more minutes and sat down in her desk the teacher not noticing. Topanga wrote a note passing it back to y/n. Who wrote back to her and passed it back to topanga right before the teacher looked back



"Your late"

"By like 10 seconds!" y/n lied

"10 minutes late"

"Ok so? It's no big deal I was talking to a teacher than showing some kids around" y/n lied again

"Got anymore lies?"

"Just give me detention already I had a hard day today" y/n said slumping down in her chair "wanna know the real reason I'm late? Fine my little brother is in the hospital and I was seeing him and he might um d- sorry I can't" y/n said walking out of the class tears in her eyes

Shawn walked out and looked around for y/n till he saw her crying on the couch.

"What's wrong with Matthew?" Shawn asked siting next to her

"H-he got surgery a-and from the surgery he might" y/n couldn't finish her sentence but Shawn knew what she was talking about

He actually loved Matthew as his little brother even if they always hated each other they still loved each other atleast when y/n wasn't around they would always talk about things sometimes he'd even go over to the l/n's just to see Matthew.

Topanga came out to and so did Cory

"Um Cory sweetie can you maybe go back in class till Shawn goes back in?" Topanga asked

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