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{New York city}

I didn't really like the college but I did love New York maybe I might move here when I get older it's really nice especially during the winter it's beautiful but freezing.

Shawn did call me everyday which I didn't mind, I missed him a lot but now I get to see him! I haven't told him that I was back in Philadelphia yet but Cory and topanga know that I'm here.

I was walking to the couch in the hallway which is where everyone would be

"Angela he has a girlfriend" I heard Cory say "and she's quite scary" he added

"Well I don't see her" Angela said I always hated her and her forehead

"Now you do" I said standing behind her

"y/n! That's my girlfriend! My girl! She's my girl!" Shawn said as I walked towards him "I missed you so much babe!" Shawn said giving me a kiss

"Aren't they just adorable together Angela?" Cory asked as she walked rolling her eyes

Shawn faced back to me and planted kisses all over my face as I just laughed at him

"How was New York?" Topanga asked as Shawn placed one final kiss on my lips before we all sat down.

Me and topanga on the table while Shawn and Cory on the couch

"I love it but the college I didn't love so much, I definitely want to move there when I'm older" I answered Topanga "especially during the winter time! It's so beautiful with the snow and everything but freezing it's worse than Philadelphia winter" I chucked a bit

"Great! We can move to New York with our kids!" Shawn stated

"Shawn we don't have kids?" I questioned him

"Not yet" he said standing up

I'm assuming you can guess what we did the rest of the day, school boring old school but after words me and topanga got a job at this really nice Mexican restaurant


Me and topanga were at work and we had to wear Huipiles as our uniforms honestly we looked really hot

"We uh we need more chips over here por favor!" I heard Shawn yell

Me and topanga looked at each other annoyed and both rolled our eyes, Cory and Shawn have been here just getting chips and nothing else

"Senorita los waitress" I heard Shawn again

"Their gonna be the death of me" I told topanga as we walked to them

"Stop calling me waitress, I have a name you know" topanga stated

"Yeah romana" Cory said

"Yes it's Spanish for topanga look it up idiot" I told Cory "and why are you being so annoying?!" I asked

"Listen girls it's your first day of work ok? We're just trying to break you in by doing our little obnoxious customer routine Shawn" Cory stayed

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