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The end of the school year was coming close which means 2 big things in these seniors year

Prom and graduation

Tonight was prom night, Cory and Shawn were getting ready at Cory's house as y/n and topanga were getting ready at y/n's house



"You girls look amazing!" y/n's mom walked in with a camera

"Mom no pics" the girls laughed "alright fine only one"

y/n's mom took a few pics of the girls before the doorbell rang, the two girls looked at each other as y/n went to open the door.

There was standing Cory and Shawn

"Wow! You look- you-you look" Shawn always gets nervous whenever he sees y/n in a dress and he always tends to lose his words in speech

"You look pretty good yourself" y/n told as she gave him a kiss

"Shall we?"

"Wait pictures I need pictures!" y/n's dad beamed in


"Just one I swear!"

The four got together as Mr l/n took pictures

"You guys go ahead we'll catch up" Cory told Shawn and y/n as they walked to the limo.


"Did I mention how black and dark red is your color?" Shawn asked y/n

"Shawn love you always say that" y/n giggled as they went to go sit down

Mr.Feeny was announcing prom king and queen, it was topanga and Cory.
Topanga went up as the crown was placed on her head Cory soon running in going to topanga as they put the crown but than running away

"Shawn Shawn Shawn Shawn look!" y/n pointed to a kid who's about to get punch

"Any second now" Shawn said

As the kids poured punch into their cup the punch poured out of the cup, y/n and Shawn laughed at the kids who now have punch all over them.

"Come on let's ditch" y/n said

"Agreed" Shawn stated "after the slow dance" Shawn added pulling y/n to the dance floor as the slow song came on

Shawn wrapped one arm around y/n's waist as the other held her hand as they got close slowly dancing together.

The slow dance came to an end and y/n and Shawn ditched the rest of prom night getting a hotel room and having lots and lots of fun in the hotel room

{1 week later : John adams}

Mr.Feeny was passing our test and gave y/n hers failing

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