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{few weeks skipped : halloween}

"Millie" had Shawn and Jack tied up planning something on them

"How about 2 hunters and a Matthews?" Eric asked taking his hood off

y/n walked in and stopped in here tracks as she saw the scene

"My girl!" Shawn said

"Do I even want to know what's happening?" y/n asked

"no no you don't" Jack implied

"ENOUGH!" The with yelled as the crystal hit Eric's back he started squirming saying hot the which was confused when it didn't kill Eric

Everyone groaned as Eric kicked them out and tried to flirt with Millie again than leaving to untie Jack

"I don't know if I should untie you or not" y/n said thinking

"Come on ma!" Shawn whined, y/n rolled her eyes cupping Shawn's face and kissing him. Shawn tried to move his hands down to her hips but couldn't since he was still tied up.

y/n smiled against the kiss pulling away to untie his hands


y/n chuckled and the two went to sit on the couch, Shawn pulled y/n onto his lap

"I love Halloween" Shawn spoke

"Why?" y/n questioned

"I don't know actually"

y/n rolled her eyes kissing Shawn again. The two started making out when the door opened to Jack and Eric who cleared their throat. The two pulled away and y/n got off of Shawn's lap and sat down next to him

"Honey I'm home!" Eric said trying to ignore the situation that happened

"Hey that's my line!" y/n said

"Well it's mine now"

"no it's not it's mine and always will be mine" "anyways I better go" y/n said patting her knees and getting up Shawn following behind

"I'll call you" Shawn told y/n before giving her a kiss

"We're still here" Eric butted in

"I love you"

"I love you too Shawn"

"What about us?" Eric asked

"Buh-bye" y/n said and Shawn shut the door



"I'm home" I yelled walking into the kitchen

"y/n! Pack your bags!" My dad said walking into the kitchen

"We're not moving are we?" I asked just to make sure

{ my girl or not my girl? }Where stories live. Discover now