[this kinda has episode 6 n episode 8 mixed in together]

I walked down the stairs at chubbies and saw y/n! I knew she'd be here.

"y/n!" She was getting up to leave and I'm not going to do this "no sit back down right now!" "Sorry"

She sat back down in the corner area she was sitting in and I joined her

"Look I want to say I'm so-" before I could finished she cupped my face smashing he lips onto mine, yeah I could get use to it although I already have

I miss her kiss and her lips and her

"I was stupid to not believe and listen to you so I thought about and you were right but that doesn't mean I'm gonna make up with her"

"Who cares we can make out right here" i said going in for another kiss, we pulled away to catch our breaths before going back for it before y/n stopped me

"Come on let's go to my house and my parents are out of town"

"What about Matthew?"

"He's with Morgan at the Matthews"

"Alright let's go but one last good kiss"

We connected our lips together once again for the 5th time I think but who's counting.

We broke our kiss and started walking to her house


We walked up to her room and shut the door, I pinned her against the door and started to kiss her again

Somehow we managed to make it to her bed without falling and not breaking the kiss but we had to so we can catch our breaths

"Your so pretty"

"That's the 10th time you said that" y/n laughed

"Just making sure you know"

I went back to kissing her and started moving down to her neck and down to her chest sweet beautiful noise coming from her

"Shawn Shawn Shawn"


"I think we should maybe wait to go a little further"

"Yeah your right"

We both sat up and I ran a hand threw my hair. I get that maybe she just isn't ready and honestly I'm not ready either or am I? Who knows

"I should call topanga and apologize" y/n said biting her lip but I just looked at her, she dialed her number pacing around the room waiting for who ever she just called to pick up. I want to kiss her again

{few days skip : trailer park}

Me and Cory walking up to Shawn's trailer since we were walking together. We walked in saying hi and Cory saying a lot about being a happy family and stuff I just smacked his arm

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