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It was February meaning Valentine's Day was here, y/n and topanga walked out of class, topanga showed y/n the note Lauren gave Cory

"I'm going to open it" y/n said taking the letter from topanga


"Too late"

"I want to burn it" topanga said her back facing y/n's back

"I don't think you want to see this" y/n said trying to get topanga to not get the letter but she got it anyways


"Man I don't even know what to get y/n for valentines this year" Shawn told Cory opening his locker

"What did you get her last time?" Cory asked

"I don't remember"

Topanga came and pushed Cory to the locker "I want to talk to you"

Shawn looked at y/n "don't even think about" she told him

"Pfft I wasn't"

"Look me in the eyes and say you weren't"

Shawn looked her in the eyes and admitted it, y/n went after topanga to comfort her


"y/n right?" Dana asked as she walked down the hall

"What?" y/n asked looking the girl up and down

"Sad about Cory and topanga" Libby said

"Mind your own business alright" y/n snapped

"Are you and Shawn together still?" Jennifer asked

"Why is it any of your business?" y/n asked crossing her arms

"Well we just wanted to warn you about Shawn"Libby said

"I've been with him my whole life I think I know about him and we would have been together for 5 years if you never kissed him" y/n said looking at Jennifer


"God do you three ever shut up my ears are bleeding!" y/n said walking away "and you guys aren't even my friends so buh-bye"


Shawn showed up to y/n's house a little nervous since it's their first valentines since they've been back together

"y/n get the door!" miss l/n yelled

"Alright mom! I'll be back later buh-bye love ya!"

"Tell Shawn I said hi for me!"

y/n opened the door and there stood Shawn with a gift basket with all of y/n's favorite things.

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