{Christmas Eve : Matthews house}

Everyone was opening presents on Christmas Eve Mr. feeny and Mr. Turner along with Shawn, y/n and topanga joined the Matthews this Christmas

Alan got happy over a shirt that Amy got for him.

George set up the camera as everyone came in close to take a picture.

y/n went to the kitchen to get more eggnog Shawn following behind

"I have one more gift for you" Shawn spoke pulling out a small box handing it to her

"Shawn you don't have to get me a lot of gifts you know?" y/n spoke taking the box

"Just open it" Shawn said putting his hands in his pocket

y/n opened the box and her eyes lit looking at the piece of jewelry.

It was the same locket Shawn gave her in 6th grade but more valuable not only did it have the same thing as the last locket but it had a small paragraph on the back of it


"I even changed the picture inside the locket too"

"Thank you" y/n said hugging Shawn who hugged back

"Merry Christmas babe"

"Merry Christmas"

The two shared sweet kiss before pulling away "let me put it on you" y/n turned around and moved her hair to the side as Shawn put the necklace on her.

Cory, Shawn, topanga, and y/n went outside playing in the snow while Amy took pictures of them for memories

{next day : school}

y/n was walking in the halls to meet up with everyone when she saw Shawn and Jennifer bassets kissing

She stood there, her heart shattered and broken. Shawn and Jennifer pulled away and Shawn noticed y/n he knew he messed up

tears started forming in y/n's eyes as she turned away Shawn chasing after her, luckily he was able to catch up to her before she went into the bathroom

"y/n I swear it's not what it looked like" Shawn said breathing heavily

"Yeah you said that the many times you messed up and I forgave you but now I'm not Shawn"

"W-what are you saying?" "y/n your my girl you can't-"

"I'm not your girl anymore Shawn I'm sorry but we're over"

"Come on please! She kissed me first!"

"Yet you kissed her back"

"Can we atleast still be friends?"

"Maybe" y/n said walking into the bathroom topanga giving Shawn a 'you messed up look' before walking in after y/n

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