Dragon Princess Ch. 2

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A couple of months had passed since Adalynn's arrival. She and Giacomo had become the best of friends, and they'd made more friends with other students that were bullied or shunned. Perhaps it was a coincidence that the academy's big Treasure Hunt had begun, because the big speech about students learning, growing, and finding what they treasure most made Adalynn think of Giacomo and her new friends. And her dragon types, of course. There was nothing she treasured more than all of them, which made the whole event rather pointless.

Adalynn excitedly rushed out of her room in her new apparel. She was garbed in a cute black and purple dress designed to replicate a Noivern. She had sleeves with little wings hanging off the arms. Her pigtails were held up by clips imitating Noivern's ears. Being out of the boring school uniform was refreshing. She wore a huge smile all the way outside to the courtyard in front of Naranja. That's where she saw her friends, all wearing their new outfits.

"Atticus!" Her voice made them all turn their heads. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love the outfit, and it fits perfectly!"

Atticus chuckled softly from under his poison-themed ninja headwear. "I'm glad to hear it, Lady Adalynn. I based the design on Noivern, as thou requested. I'm content knowing it has your approval."

"It suits you, Addie," Giacomo complimented, using the nickname they'd recently given her. "Worthy of a Dragon Princess, wouldn't you say?"

Adalynn nodded, holding her head high with pride. "Definitely. And by the way, all of your upgraded outfits are awesome, too."

Mela gestured to her large boots. "Right? These boots are sick!"

"And maybe we'll finally earn a little respect around here," Ortega added. "Now that we look like real bosses, those bullies will tremble in fear."

"We should really do more training, though," Eri interrupted. "If we're gonna carry out Operation Star, then we have to be strong. That's what the big boss asked of us."

Adalynn nodded. "That especially goes for me. Dragon types take time to properly train."

"That's why you didn't want your own base, isn't it?" Mela asked.

"That's right. I don't deserve it, not yet. Not when I still have so far to go. But I'll still support the team as best as I can."

Giacomo grinned. "Well, no problem. You can always hang at the Segin Squad base with me."

"Thanks, Momo. Anyway, I'm gonna get started on that training. I've got my newest dragons to work with." Eri and Mela left with her, eager to get some training in as well, though they didn't go to the schoolyard, but instead, went out to leave Mesagoza for some privacy away from the other students.

Giacomo looked from Atticus to Ortega. "So, anyone else wanna join me for lunch? Can't train on an empty stomach."

Atticus nodded. "Tis wise words. I shall accompany you."

"Me too. I skipped breakfast to work on the Starmobile." Ortega carried his fancy scepter with him. "Though you should ask your girlfriend to lunch, not us."

Giacomo nearly tripped over his own feet, his face heating up. "G-girlfriend?! Addie's not my girlfriend!"

"Really?" Atticus replied, hardly believing him. "With that smitten look on your face every time she's around, I really thought..." He was quick to shake his head. "Forgive me, my friend. It's not my place to pry."

"Huh. You sure fooled us, Giacomo. I totally thought you and Adalynn were dating."

Giacomo could've sworn his face was redder than a tamato berry. It was true that he and Adalynn were together a lot ever since they'd met. What started as a friendship steadily blossomed into a crush. He knew it deep down, and now his friends were catching on as well. Maybe it was only a matter of time before Adalynn picked up on his feelings. He'd probably die of embarrassment if she did. It would be like the humiliation of being kicked out of office all over again. Surely she didn't like him the same way. There was no way. Fortunately, his friends didn't pester him with the subject. Instead, they enjoyed a little lunch together at Every Wich Way where they could enjoy sandwiches not on the academy's menu. Giacomo even purchased extra to go so he could be sure Adalynn and her pokemon got to eat. They had a habit of getting so caught up in training that they didn't realize they were hungry. He couldn't have that.

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