Living in the Shadows Ch. 5

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Atticus was more than a little surprised to find himself in Zapapico. It was pretty late, so there was practically no one around, leaving the streets empty. That was probably a good thing considering Violet still wore her catsuit. Her secret would be out if someone saw her. Stopping at one of the many doors of the stone buildings, the girl looked back at him.

"Here we are. This home."

Using the key tucked away in her suit's pocket, she unlocked the door and gestured for him to come in. Atticus stepped inside behind her, looking around at the simple little house while she shut the door. They were in a dark, cozy living room, and the kitchen was just to the left. A set of stairs led up to a second floor. On the right, there were two doors, one led to a bathroom, no doubt. The other was cracked open, and a pokemon suddenly appeared from inside and pushed it open further.


Violet smiled, watching the female Oinkologne approach her. "It's just me. Don't worry." She leaned down to pet her head.

Oinkologne quietly slipped back into the mysterious room. Violet was quick to follow after the pokemon. Atticus was hesitant to go as well, feeling like it was almost forbidden for him to pry. But he needed to understand and Violet trusted him enough to bring him in the first place. When he moved closer and lightly pulled the door all the way open, he was met by a wondrous sight. Every inch of the walls were plastered with her colorful drawings. They ranged from pokemon swimming in the sea to flying types in the sky. It was such an artistic, eye-catching room that he almost didn't notice the person laying in the bed. A frail, elderly woman with short gray hair was resting peacefully.

"Grandma?" Violet softly called. The old woman slowly peeled her purple eyes open. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

Her grandmother tiredly smiled. "It's alright, sweetie. I'm always happy to see you come home after a busy day at school. Gymnastics keeps you on your toes, huh?"

Violet nodded, going to her bedside. "Yeah. The gymnastics. It keeps me busy...but I love it." Her feigned enthusiasm didn't get by Atticus, and he drew attention to himself by moving closer. "Oh, right, I brought someone with me."

The old woman's expression brightened further, her weariness seemingly fading. "Oh, you must be Violet's boyfriend." The goth blushed at the assumption, but Atticus chuckled softly. "So nice to meet you. You can call me Ruth. Please, make yourself at home."

Atticus gave a polite bow. "Tis a pleasure, madam. I am Atticus, and I'm grateful for thy hospitality."

"What a well-mannered young man! Hang on to this one, Violet."

Violet was a blushing mess. "Grandma..." She cleared her throat. "Um, anyway, do you need anything while I'm here?"

Ruth shook her head, watching Oinkologne hop onto the bed to lay next to her. "I'm fine, Violet. I've got Oinkologne here with me."

Violet lightly grabbed her friend's arm. "Okay. I'll be in my room so just shout if you need something."

Just as she was dragging the ninja from the room, Ruth called, "Atticus, dear, feel free to have a snack or drink from the fridge if you want! And there are extra pillows and blankets in Violet's closet if you decide to sleep over!"

"I'd rather not impose, Madam Ruth, but you have my gratitude, nonetheless. I bid you a good night."

"Night, Grandma," Violet chimed in, nearly pushing Atticus to get him out of the room so she could shut the door. She sighed once it clicked shut. "Sorry, she's a talker."

Atticus chuckled. "I quite like her. Such a kind woman." His smile faded. "Your grandmother thinks you've been at school and in gymnastics. You haven't told her."

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