(NSFW) Strong Enough For You Ch. 5

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Optional spicy chapter! You have been warned! Also sorry if Kieran is a little out of character for this. Turns out writing this sweet, innocent boy like this is difficult.

It was a fairly ordinary day at Blueberry Academy. Elodie had gotten quite accustomed to school life in the past few months since she'd enrolled, and her battle streams were doing well, pulling in just as many viewers as before. Seemed people enjoyed seeing a new side of Candy through Mega Evolution. And Honey had evolved, with Kieran’s help, into a mighty Hydrapple. Although the best part was that Elodie got to see her boyfriend every day, and spend time with him and all the other friends she'd made there.

Elodie's last class had ended, and she hurried back to her room with a large box in her arms. “It's finally here!” She practically slammed the door behind her and set the box on her desk. “It took forever, but no doubt it'll be worth it!”

She hastily ripped off the tape and opened it up. Inside was the newest costume she'd specially ordered. It consisted of a light green mini dress with long black gloves. Black tights and thin sandals were included to cover the legs and feet. There was a cloak included in a similar green hue, made with a hood with a pair of black horns. And with it all came an ogre mask all the way from Kitakami.

“I can't wait to show Kieran! He's gonna love this cosplay!”


Kieran listened closely to the teacher, taking occasional notes on the process of evolution. It seemed ever since Elodie had enrolled, Mega Evolution had become such a hot topic that even some of the teachers wanted to study it. It certainly added something new to the curriculum, and it was a fascinating phenomenon. That's why Kieran took it seriously, eager to learn all he could about it. But suddenly his phone buzzed from in his bag. He was happy to have recently gotten a smartphone for himself, as it allowed him to stay in touch with his girlfriend and all his friends. When his phone floated out to show him who contacted him, he smiled upon seeing a message from Elodie.

“Sorry to bother you while in class, but I had to show you the new cosplay for my next stream! I think you'll like it ;)”

He scrolled to see the picture she sent, nearly gasping out loud when he saw it. There she was, dressed like Ogerpon, complete with a mask and doing a cute pose like something the pokemon would do. Now he'd seen plenty of her cosplays, pretty much all of them, and while he did drool over how pretty she was in each and every one, this one did something to him. He could only assume it was because this was his favorite pokemon and his favorite person combined, but he could actually hear the thumping of his heart in his chest. He could feel the blood rushing to his face, and strangely enough, he could feel it rushing somewhere else too. His legs fidgeted under his desk, subtly hoping to conceal his slight arousal.

“Super cute!” he typed back. “You make a beautiful Ogerpon! Easily my favorite cosplay yet!”

“Thank you, Kiki! I knew you'd like this one! Hold on a sec, let me show you without the mask.”

She sent another picture of herself, this time with her face shown. She had eye makeup to better look like Ogerpon. Black eyeliner with little bits of green at the far corners of her eyes. She was even cuter without the mask on.


“Guess that means you like the eye makeup too.”

“Yeah, you look so so pretty. I wish I could kiss you right now.” He'd sent that message without thinking, only realizing after and wanted to slap himself for it.

“Psst. Kieran.” The quiet whisper brought Kieran back to reality, causing him to put his phone away before meeting Crispin's curious gaze. “You okay? Your face is all red.”

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