(NSFW) From Water to Ice Ch. 5

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Maya hummed to herself as she finished making her own version of her uncle's Hot and Sour Soup. The cabin was quiet that evening, leaving her to her thoughts. She and Grusha had recently returned from an Alolan vacation. Her parents welcomed him with open arms, and he'd had a great time learning to surf...a little anyway. He still wasn't anywhere near her level. But it was great just seeing him get out there and have fun until his leg couldn't take any more.

But now, back in Paldea, there had been an influx of Gym challengers. Apparently, a lot of tourists from other regions were eager to take on the Gyms for themselves. Normally, that wouldn't have been a problem. But Maya had heard from Kofu that he hadn't been able to attend to his restaurant for days. And Grusha had barely had a moment's rest either. Maya had spent the past few days practicing, gearing up for her second snowboard competition. It had been months since her first competition, and she'd gotten third place. She was, of course, aiming for first this time. But Grusha being absent from practice lessened her motivation. She wasn't mad, though. It was his job, after all. But she did feel bad for him because he'd come home every day exhausted. Thus, she'd come up with a plan to get him totally relaxed and stress free.

The front door opened and shut, signaling that her boyfriend was home. That was the fourth, and hopefully last, challenger of the day. It was time to put her plan into action. With the bowl of piping hot soup in hand, she went into the living room with a smile.

"Welcome back, Grusha. I made some soup to warm you up."

Grusha kicked off his boots and practically plopped onto the couch, lazily pulling off his gloves. "Thanks, babe."

The poor guy looked drained of energy. "So, did you kick their butts?" She handed him the soup and gently unwrapped his scarf from around his neck for him.

"Most of them." He took a greedy spoonful and shoveled it into his mouth. "Delicious, by the way. Just what I needed. But yeah, a lot of these challengers are coming prepared with fire and steel types. Not an easy win, I assure you."

Maya frowned. "Sounds rough. Are Cetitan and the rest of your pokemon doing alright?"

"They're fatigued but okay. I'm leaving them with the Pokemon Center overnight. Nurse Joy insisted that I not accept any more challengers until tomorrow when they've gotten proper rest."

That was excellent news. That meant the rest of his evening was free. "Well, your pokemon aren't the only ones who need to rest and relax. I'll make sure you wake up tomorrow ready and raring to go."

Grusha raised a brow. "Planning to treat me with one of those killer massages of yours?"

It was no secret that Maya had some skill with her hands. She'd gone to spas plenty of times back in Alola, and thus learned to copy the types of massages she got that eased her sore muscles after hours on the water. Grusha had learned about this talent of hers recently when he started getting too many challengers to handle.

"Maybe," Maya answered with a soft giggle. "Take off the extra layers and I can treat you now if you like."

Grusha shed his thick coat, then the lighter jacket underneath that. Once he was left in his simple sweater, Maya crawled onto the couch and fit herself into the space between his body and the back of the couch, her legs on either side of him. Since he was still eating, she was gentle when she began to massage her palms into his shoulders. A relaxed sigh left the man before he took another spoonful. Maya loved that she was able to do that for him. It filled her with delight every time she eased out the tension in his muscles. Plus, it gave her the rare chance to feel his toned figure. One wouldn't think he had much under all the layers he was usually bundled up in, but years of extreme snowboarding lingered with him. He was pretty fit.

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