From Water to Ice Ch. 3

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Three days had sluggishly passed. Maya had recovered from her mild head injury, but Grusha had insisted she stay in at least one more day, just to be sure she was back to full health. In that time, she'd been thinking…a lot. Grusha had been so caring while she was stuck inside. He'd prepare her food, sit with her to watch TV, and she could've sworn he stroked her cheek at least once when she was half asleep. The only time he wasn't there was when he had Gym challengers to deal with. It was obvious she developed a big crush on him, especially after all the fun in the snow. He'd been watching her on every slope, helping her, instructing her. He was handsome as well, when he wasn't completely bundled up under his coat and scarf, that is.

With so much time to think, Grusha wasn't the only one on her mind. She thought back on Alola - on the gorgeous beaches, the warm sun, and the unpredictable waves. She missed surfing and swimming with Lapras. A bit of a homesick feeling settled in the pit of her stomach.

Maya flipped the pancake one last time before moving it to the plate, then got to work on topping it with berries, cream, and syrup. "Hope he likes it," she quietly breathed out.

"Hope I like what?" The woman jumped slightly and turned her head, seeing Grusha entering the kitchen. He'd just woken up and his hair wasn't even in the usual bun. "Pancakes? Did you get up early just to make breakfast?"

Maya took both plates and set them at the table. "I did. I…had trouble sleeping." She smiled a little. "And these aren't just any old pancakes. These are Alolan style pancakes. I loved these back in Alola, so I hoped you'd like them, too."

A soft smile tugged at his lips. "They look and smell good. Let's try them out."

He sat down and took a bite, and judging by how quickly he shoveled more into his mouth, Maya assumed he liked them. She poured him some coffee before joining him at the table.

"Consider this as thanks for…well…looking out for me," the surfer admitted.

"Don't mention it," he replied after swallowing a mouthful. "I wasn't gonna leave you to fend for yourself. Not with how careless you can be." He turned his gaze down to his food, almost seeming bashful. "Besides, we're friends."

Maya laughed lightly. "Considering how you took me in and gave me a place to stay, I certainly hope we're friends."

Grusha chuckled at her joking comment. After a moment, Maya's smile faded, and he raised a brow at her almost depressed expression. "Is something up?"

Maya met his gaze. "Hm? Oh, no, it's nothing." When his eyes narrowed at her, she sighed in defeat. "I guess I'm just a bit…homesick. I miss the water. I miss the feel of the waves." When she realized how that might've sounded, she hastily added, "Not that Glaseado isn't nice! Snowboarding is really fun, and while the cold takes some getting used to, I've grown fond of it. Plus, I get to enjoy your company every day."

Grusha turned his head away. "Don't say it like that. Sounds so lame. But…I guess it has been more fun than I'd have thought." He gave her an almost affectionate look. "I understand the homesickness, though. I don't know what I'd do if I ever left this mountain for good. And so…well, uh…" He cleared his throat. "I'm glad that you made the decision to come here. I hadn't realized how lonely it had gotten on this mountain. And the fact that you left the water and settled for ice and snow instead…it means a lot."

A giddy grin broke out on Maya's face. "Aww, Grusha! That's the sweetest thing you've ever said!"

The man gulped down the remainder of his coffee and stood from his chair. In a seemingly embarrassed manner, he left the kitchen rather quickly. Maya held back the urge to laugh and continued eating. Grusha proved that he could be sweet under that icy exterior. It warmed her heart that he'd actually said all that. It made a bit of the homesick feeling go away. Once she finished breakfast, she cleaned up the dishes and found Grusha in the living room. He stared despondently at the display case full of awards, his hand against the glass.

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