Dragon Princess Ch. 3

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"Be prepared to fight and win. We'll show everyone that Team Star is strong."

The distorted voice over the phone belonged to the mysterious leader of Team Star. Nothing was known about this person except that they were a victim of bullying as well. This recluse got in touch with the six students after they'd all become targets, and together they formed Team Star to stand against them. Even though they'd never met this person face-to-face, they trusted them and considered them a friend.

"So tomorrow morning at the schoolyard," Eri summarized. "And you've already given them the notice?"

"Yes," the boss replied. "I hacked their phones and sent them the message. They'll be there."

Mela slammed her fist against her palm. "Finally, the time has come to teach those jerks a lesson!"

"We won't let you down, Big Boss!" Giacomo said with a grin. "You'll see! They're gonna wish they never messed with us once they see our Starmobiles rolling in!"

"I'm counting on all of you. I know you can do it. I'll contact you again after your victory."

The boss hung up, and Adalynn almost collapsed because her legs felt so wobbly. There was a growing anxiety in her over Operation Star. She ended up leaning against Giacomo's shoulder, catching him by surprise.

"I almost feel sick. I don't know if...if I'm ready."

Giacomo wrapped an arm around her shoulders to keep her on her feet. "You are. I saw you training and teachin' your pokemon new moves and stuff. All that's gonna pay off."

Atticus nodded. "You need not fear, Lady Adalynn, for our strength as a team will prevail."

"We worked hard for this," Ortega added. "There's no way we can lose."

"Right. You're right. I'm worrying too much." Adalynn managed a smile.

"We should still get plenty of rest, though," Eri said. "Everyone, sleep well tonight."

The group said their goodnights and separated to their dorm rooms. All except Adalynn. She didn't feel like she'd be able to sleep, and the thought of failing her friends tomorrow weighed on her mind. Even though it would be taxing, she decided to get a little extra last-minute training in. Going to the schoolyard was actually nice in the evening. It was dark and devoid of students. There was a track for running and other various equipment used for play and exercise. They even had a vegetable garden where the cafeteria got its fresh produce from.

Adalynn called out all five of her pokemon. "Okay, team. Tomorrow's the big day. We need to be battle ready, so I want you all to train as hard as you can."

Her team cheered and got to work at the two little battle courts in the middle of the schoolyard. Gible, Deino, Dreepy, and Frigibax practiced their attacks on each other while either enduring or dodging the moves. Noibat followed Adalynn around the track with her, flying along as the girl jogged to give herself some stamina training as well.

"With me, Noibat. Pretend you're dodging attacks."

The girl hopped as if she were jumping a hurdle, and her partner swooped up and over as well. She then ducked and swerved to the side. Noibat mirrored her every move, increasing her speed and agility for the coming battle. Everything was going well, and after a bit, Adalynn let her team take a break. She was as out of breath as them from running and moving.

"Great work, everyone!"

"Yeah! Great work!"

Adalynn twisted around to see four students approaching. One she recognized as her first bully, the one with the Dachsbun. But there was also a guy with a Primeape, a girl with a Lokix, and another guy with a Haunter. The little dragon types gathered around their trainer, prepared to fight bravely at her side.

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