(NSFW) Living in the Shadows Ch. 7

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Optional smut chapter warning! Read on if you don't mind the spiciness.

A knock at the front door had Violet quickly going to answer it. "Hi, Atticus."

The boy stepped inside, still garbed in his ninja clothes and carrying a large bag of things. Compared to him, his girlfriend of three months was dressed in a solid black T-shirt and pajama pants. She'd apparently showered recently because her damp hair was down instead of in the usual ponytail. Atticus leaned in to give her a brief kiss.

"Good evening, Lady Violet." A pair of pokemon stepped out from the kitchen. "And a good evening to you, Salazzle, Zoroark."

The lizard was licking her hand of sticky dough from the cookies she'd been helping her trainer with. "Lazz lazzle!"

"Zor ark!" the fox barked in greeting.

"I'm still working on the cookies, but I just need to put them in the oven," Violet informed him.

Atticus nodded in understanding. "Thou needn't rush such a delicate process. I will be patient." He glanced toward the door leading to her grandmother's room. "Is Madam Ruth back from her physical therapy?"

Violet shook her head. "No. They're keeping her for a few days for rehabilitation. She's doing alright, though. They just really wanna get her back to moving around again." She looked down at his clothes. "So, um, feel free to use the bathroom to change or shower or whatever."

"Thank you. I do require a proper cleaning up after today's training session. I won't be long."

With his bag in hand he went to the bathroom, leaving Violet to return to the kitchen to get the cookies in the oven. They had big plans for their first sleepover - the sleepover that Ruth had been insisting on every time Atticus visited in the evening. She was so kind to always worry about him going home after dark, as if he were a part of the family. First up, they were going to enjoy some freshly baked sugar cookies while watching that new movie about a samurai and his Kingambit. Then they would discuss the movie while Violet gave his fingernails a fresh coat of paint, and he in turn would give hers a nice new design. And after that, they would play a board game or two before bed. They had it all planned, and yet, Violet couldn't stop the disappointed sigh that left her.


She realized both her pokemon were giving her puzzled looks. "Sorry. It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

Zoroark lightly nudged her arm with her head. "Zor?"

Violet decided to tell them what was on her mind. "You both know how much I like Atticus. I'm really excited for our sleepover, but I guess I just already know what to expect." The pair tilted their heads in confusion. "It's not that I'm not grateful to have him as my boyfriend, but I do wish he'd give me a bit more attention sometimes. I'm not asking for much. Just more than the occasional hug and kiss. I'd like to be able to snuggle with him from time to time, you know?" She shook her head. "I'm complaining too much. He's just being respectful."

Zoroark suddenly jumped on the girl, knocking her to the floor with her fluffy hide. Violet couldn't even get a word in before the fur was replaced with Salazzle's smooth skin. The lizard was practically laying on her trainer, rubbing her head almost affectionately along her cheek, neck, and shoulders.

Violet lightly patted Salazzle on the back. "What's with you two? Is this your way of making me feel better?" She giggled, letting the lizard have her way until she slipped out of the girl's hold to get up. Violet picked herself up and brushed off her clothes. "Okay, I don't know what that was about, but thanks I gue-" She didn't even get to finish her sentence before both pokemon disappeared inside their poke balls on the counter. "What in Paldea…?"

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