(NSFW) A New Journey Begins Ch. 2

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It seemed like an ordinary day in Arven's dorm room. He was teaching Fiora one of his new recipes, which was a bit of a struggle since she wasn't exactly the best with food preparation. Arven ultimately did most of the work while simply explaining the process to her. Dachsbun and Mabosstiff were sitting around chewing on a toy together. But the peaceful atmosphere changed when the pokemon started getting a bit too affectionate.

"Aww, look how cute!" Fiora pointed out. "Mabosstiff is grooming her."

Arven looked up from the kitchen counter to see his partner licking Dachsbun's head and face, particularly around her ears. "I swear, those two are even closer than us, it seems like."

He wasn't wrong, but it was mostly to keep himself from doing something he shouldn't. Arven had been touch starved most of his life, and now that he had a girlfriend he loved dearly, he sometimes got a little too wild whenever they hugged or kissed. Thus, he had to restrain himself and refrain from too much contact. A whimper from Dachsbun alerted the two, and they looked up to a sight that had them both blushing. Mabosstiff was nipping at the back of her neck and beginning to mount her.

"Gah! No! Bad Mabosstiff!" Arven was quick to return his pokemon, and Fiora did the same with hers. "What brought that on all of a sudden?" he seemingly asked the ball in his hand.

Before Fiora could respond, Mabosstiff came back out on his own and Dachsbun followed. "Hey!" the girl cried with astonishment.

Dachsbun barked happily at the larger dog before spinning around to present herself to him. Mabosstiff took her signal and started mounting her again.

Fiora turned the other way to avoid looking, although the image in her mind and the soft whines of the canines had a strange warmth bubbling in the pit of her stomach. "I-I don't think we can stop them..." she mumbled. She caught Arven staring at the pokemon, eyes wide and jaw hanging open. She lightly tugged on his arm to get his attention. "Arven."

"Oh, right." Snapped out of his trance, he turned the other way like she did. "I guess it was bound to happen eventually...right? I mean, we've watched those two get closer and closer."

Fiora nodded. "Yeah. And besides, we have the time to care for an egg right now."

"Oh no..."


The girl looked at him only to see his flustered face before she realized he was staring down at a growing bulge in his pants. "Oh... You too, huh?"

Arven looked at her with confusion. "Too? What do you..." His expression changed to one of shock as soon as he understood. He was quick to cover his red face with his hand.

Fiora really wanted to get this sorted out. There was no way they could continue cooking while their pokemon were breeding. And even if they got back to work after they were done, they were both all hot and bothered. She also remembered how many times Arven had held back when it came to any sort of affection or intimacy. Perhaps this time, she could get him to let loose. In all honesty, she needed it just as much. Moving closer to him, she leaned in to plant a light kiss to the side of his jaw. It made the boy jolt a little, looking at her in shock. She smiled sweetly at him and gave his lips a swift peck. That time, Arven took a step back to put space between them.

"Y-you shouldn't do that... Fiora, it's difficult to resist..."

"Then don't." She turned toward the counter, facing their noisy pokemon. Since she wasn't in uniform, she lifted the hem of her casual dress to show him her poke ball print panties. "Please, Arven, we both need relief. I'm not saying to go all the way, just..." She bit her lower lip when her gaze focused on the canines. "Do what they're doing and-"

She was cut off by her boyfriend all but pouncing on her. It was a good thing she caught herself on the counter or she might've toppled over it. Arven wrapped his arms tight around her abdomen while he pushed himself against her. A gasp left the girl followed by a moan. The boy behind her groaned right into her ear before his lips found her neck. He held her there, simply leaving tender kisses on her skin.

"You're sure this is okay?" he asked with a deep blush. "I won't be able to stop myself once I get started." He took a sharp inhale when she pushed her behind against him.

"I'm sure. So don't hold back."

Arven kept one arm around her while the other undid his pants. As soon as they fell to the floor, Fiora leaned forward more to position herself for him. He was on her again in an instant, wildly humping her like Mabosstiff was doing. Moans of pleasure left them. Pressing his body against her back, Arven nipped at her shoulder similar to the way his pokemon did it. He was actually copying his canine pal. He did, after a few moments, slow down a bit only to slowly slide himself back and forth between her legs. Fiora whimpered at the ability to feel most of his clothed length moving against her. He seemed to be searching for something. Fiora helped him by leaning forward a bit more until she was almost bent over the counter. At that angle, Arven easily found her clothed core with his tip. He gently bit down on her shoulder before thrusting roughly into that spot. An almost pokemon-like growl erupted from his throat while his girlfriend gave a soft cry for him.

"Oh my... A-Arven..." she whined.

Dachsbun suddenly gave a whimpering howl. Mabosstiff had stopped moving, standing over her while the pair were locked together and panting. With the pokemon finished for the most part, Arven focused all his attention on his girlfriend. His pelvis pressed into her behind with every harsh thrust, and he made sure to stay in that one spot that had them both begging for more. He became acutely aware of Fiora's moans rising in volume, and almost out of instinct, his moves grew quicker and more frantic. Fiora repeated his name over and over as she tumbled over the edge. With his teeth still buried in her shoulder, Arven groaned lowly, pushing himself full force into her when he reached his end. Finally, his teeth left her skin and the pair were breathing heavily.

"Now that was...way better than I imagined," Fiora admitted, turning her head and slowly straightening up to smile at him. "You really are a good boy, aren't you, Arven?"

The upperclassman's face lit up. "N-no... Ah, whatever. I'll be a good boy for you...little buddy." He smirked at the slight pout she gave him.

Fiora leaned back to capture his lips, all while their bodies stayed pressed together. Despite the wild, canine-like humping, their kiss was slow and tender, as if savoring the moment. Finally, though, the girl broke the kiss to look at him.

"Arven, I love you and all, but could you please get off me now? My undies are a mess and I could really use a change."

"Oh, right." Arven let go of her and backed away, his own sticky underwear beginning to feel uncomfortable. But her words suddenly dawned on him, making him freeze. "Wait...you love me?"

Fiora blushed a little as she smoothed down her dress and turned to face him. "Well, yeah. I wouldn't have urged you to do this if I didn't."

A big smile of delight broke out on the boy's face. "I love you as well, I just...didn't know how to get the words out. But you went and beat me to it. That's my wonderful little girlfriend, for you!" He snatched her shoulders and planted a firm but sweet kiss on her lips.

Fortunately, Dachsbun and Mabosstiff separated at that moment, meaning it was all over. But the idea of returning to cooking was the last thing on their minds, for they wanted to relish this new step in their relationship.

This is it! The final part to Arven's mini story and the last of the Pokemon short stories! I'm planning for something brand new centered on the Hogwarts Legacy game now because it has taken over my life XD

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