Strong Enough For You Ch. 4

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Elodie stared absentmindedly out the window, watching the ocean go by. The plane was fairly empty, which gave her time to think. It had only been about a week since she'd left Blueberry Academy. After what happened concerning Kieran, she was both afraid of him and afraid for him. It made her wonder if she'd been too selfish. She'd returned his feelings for her, and yet, she still decided to put her streams first. What if she was the reason for his behavior? She shook off that thought. While she might've been a part of the problem, she wasn't solely responsible. According to what Carmine told her, he'd been acting that way since she'd left Kitakami, and after his friend, Florian, befriended and caught Ogerpon. Both events pushed him to change for the worse.

“Is that really it for us?” she mumbled to herself. “We confess, consider ourselves an item, then break up before even having an official first date?” A sad sigh escaped her. “I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me, Kieran. I should've known a long distance relationship wouldn't work with you.”

Her phone suddenly buzzed, causing her to fetch it from her bag. When she checked it, she found a message from Carmine.

“Weird. Carmine doesn't usually message me.”

She opened the message to read what it said. “Hi, Elodie. This is Kieran. I borrowed Sis’s phone so I could send this to you.” The girl gasped, hastily reading further. “I wanted to say I'm sorry…for everything. My behavior and the way I treated you was inexcusable. A lot happened this past week, and my sis and I took a leave from school, so we're back home in Mossui Town. If you aren't busy at the moment - and don't hate my guts - I'd like you to come visit me in Kitakami. I want the chance to properly explain and apologize in person.”

Elodie sat in stunned silence. She wanted to send a reply - let him know she forgave him and would hurry back just to see him. But her fingers wouldn't comply. They were shaking too much, and silent tears spilled from her eyes. It was all out of joy and relief.



Kieran gazed fondly at the poke ball in his hand, the one that held his Hydrapple. “Thanks for stickin’ by me through it all.” The corners of his lips turned down, his thoughts wandering. “At least I've got you. Even if she's gone.”

He'd spent a good three days hoping and wishing for a response to his message. But Elodie hadn't replied. He couldn't blame her. After the way he acted, she had every right to get as far away from him as possible and avoid all means of contact. It just made him angry with himself for going and ruining one of the best things he had.

He hung his head, fighting the urge to burst into tears. “Aw man…”

There was a knock on his door before it abruptly opened. “Hey, Kiki.” Carmine paused, looking at him. “Are you still in here moping? Ugh, don't go being a big crybaby all over again!”

“Shut up, Sis!” Kieran snapped. “How'd you feel if you went and scared off your crush?!”

“Don't shout at me!” she yelled. “I wouldn't be crying over it, that's for sure!” Stopping herself from saying more, she took a deep, calming breath. “Look, I need you to run an errand for me. Go down to the bus stop and wait for the next bus to arrive.”

Her brother blinked in confusion. “Um…why? Am I getting on the bus?”

“No, you dummy!” Carmine bit the inside of her cheek to keep from blurting anything out. “Just…do this one thing, Kiki. There's something I need you to pick up from the next bus. I can't tell you what it is, but you'll know it when you see it.”

Tucking away Hydrapple's ball, the boy slowly got up. “I don't get what this is about, but okay.”

Moving past his sister, Kieran left, still dragging his feet a bit. Carmine only smiled to herself. “Mission accomplished,” she quietly said. “The rest is up to you now, Elodie.”

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