(NSFW) A Work of Art Ch. 4

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Optional smut chapter! This is a really spicy one! You have been warned!

Heather followed Brassius inside, letting him close the front door behind them. The young woman was content after a wonderful evening out with her boyfriend. Some time had passed since she'd returned to Paldea, and while half the time she was away for photo shoots of all kinds, the other half she spent in Artazon with the famous artist she loved. They'd grown accustomed to that simple routine.

"Dinner was fantastic, Brassie," Heather complimented. "But really, we didn't have to go all the way to Gastronome En Famille in Levincia just to eat."

The man chuckled lightly. "I'm aware. I simply wished to treat you tonight. Is that so wrong?"

His girlfriend shook her head with a smile. "Not at all. Thank you for the romantic evening." Placing a hand on his chest, she leaned in to peck his cheek in gratitude. "And it was really nice meeting your friend Hassel. He seems like a kind and...very emotional man."

Brassius hummed to himself. While seeing Hassel when they were out was nice, it was also extremely embarrassing, especially when the teacher started sobbing and babbling about they're relationship and whatnot. In a way, it filled the artist with pride to see his mentor approve of his girlfriend, but in another way, he wanted to run and hide to avoid further humiliation.

Brassius took hold of her hand against his chest. "Yes, well, Hassel has always been that way. I hope he wasn't too much."

"He wasn't. I enjoyed the chance to talk to him." She couldn't keep from giggling a little. "Apparently more than you, Brassie. Your cheeks were as red as a Pikachu's."

The man cleared his throat. "I simply didn't expect to see him during dinner, is all. I was caught off guard." He was quick to change the subject. "Enough about that. We still have the night ahead of us, my dear. I have a request for you."

"Let me guess. You'd like me to be your model again?" Pursing his lips, he nodded in an almost bashful way, which made her laugh softly. "Sure thing. I don't mind. Besides, I love watching you work. You're so handsome when you're focused."

"Am I?" he questioned with amusement. "Well then, that makes it a treat for the both of us, doesn't it?"

Heather giggled at his light teasing. Following him to his studio, she smoothed out her dress. It was a nice ocean blue color and flowed down around her ankles. Her hair was up in an elegant bun with only her bangs and the shorter strands to frame her face - one of her usual styles. She couldn't help noticing the bulletin board plastered in sketches he'd made of her. Apparently, he wanted images of her for future pieces he planned to make. It was quite flattering.

"So, what do you have in mind?" Heather asked, moving to the center of the room like usual.

"I'm not certain yet." Brassius set up a blank canvas on his easel. "I'd like to paint you in all your beauty, and perhaps later carve a sculpture based on it." He hummed, preparing his paints on a palette. "Strike a pose for me. A graceful one."

Doing as told, Heather moved her feet together and slightly lifted the lower part of her dress as if she were a princess about to curtsy. Her other hand faced downwards and went almost under her chin. She smiled, earning the man's full attention as he seemed to study her.

"Hmm, try a bold pose instead."

Moving her feet apart, Heather adjusted to lean slightly and rest a hand on her hip. Her free hand went limp at her side, but she lost the smile and gave an expression that radiated confidence.

"That's not what I'm looking for either. How about something cute?"

Lifting one leg slightly so that only the toe of her shoe touched the floor, the model did as instructed. Both her hands were up to make peace signs, and she closed one eye to make it look as though she was winking. With her adorable smile, she thought for sure this would be the one.

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