Dragon Princess Ch. 4

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Giacomo was the last to leave the classroom. He was lost in his thoughts all through the lesson. Adalynn had been taking up every available space in his mind lately. The night she disappeared had left him devastated, and it was hard to get back on his feet at first. His friends had been there, though, and they helped him move forward. But that was about a year and a half ago. Team Star was now back in school after nearly being expelled for operating the Star Bases and skipping classes. They were slowly readjusting to school life, along with their big boss and founder who they now knew as Penny. Life had gone on. But Adalynn was never forgotten. Penny kept in touch with her, and if Team Star could wait for their leader to return to them, then they could wait for their Dragon Princess as well.

"You're gonna fail the big test if you keep spacing out like that, Momo." Giacomo looked over at the bespectacled girl walking with him.

"Sorry, Big Boss…I mean, Penny." He forced a smile. "Bein' back at the academy's just…bringin' up some old memories."

Penny wore a knowing smile. "I figured as much." She grabbed his sleeve to stop him. "I have some news that might cheer you up, but you have to come with me. The others will meet us there."

He raised a brow. "Uh, okay."

With Penny leading the way, Giacomo found himself with the others just south of Mesagoza. They were in Area One and were waiting around a little pond where a few Wooper were swimming. Penny was keeping an eye on the skies, but the others just seemed confused.

"What's this about B.B.?" Eri finally asked after spending several minutes in silence.

"Yeah, I have to get back to my base for more training," Ortega complained.

"Just you wait, Ortie," Penny told them. "It'll be worth your time." Shielding her eyes from the sun, she scanned the sky again, spotting what she was looking for. "And there she is."

The others followed her gaze, seeing a Hydreigon flying their way. But it wasn't alone. Someone was on its back. A girl with long pigtails dressed like a Noivern. Giacomo completely froze, and the others gasped in surprise. Hydreigon slowed and descended until he stopped in front of them. Adalynn hopped off his back, looking apologetic as she returned him to his ball.

"I'm so sorry I'm late! I took a quick detour to see my parents and…" The girl trailed off upon realizing the wide-eyed stares she received. "H-hi, guys. Did you miss me?"

"Addie!" Eri rushed over and engulfed her in a bone-crushing hug. "You're really here! We knew you'd come back!"

Mela and Ortega had to calm Eri and make her release the poor girl so she could breathe. "Still as strong as ever," Adalynn muttered, beaming once the pain of Eri's hug faded. "I can't tell you how good it is to be back. Penny's kept me up to date on what's happened with Team Star. I feel kinda bad for missing out on everything."

"Where have you been this whole time?!" Mela yelled. "You just up and left! And Penny refused to explain anything to us!"

Adalynn held her hands up defensively. "I know! I'm sorry! I can explain everything, I swear!"

Atticus cleared his throat, earning everyone's attention. "I believe there's someone who deserves more than just a mere explanation, Lady Adalynn." He nodded toward the dark type user at the back of the group.

Giacomo couldn't move or even speak. It felt like a dream to see her there, as if she'd never left in the first place. She locked eyes with him, and her expression changed to one of worry. He looked so stunned that she couldn't tell if he was angry or sad or hurt.

"Momo…" He slowly approached her, his legs moving on their own. "I-I should've said something… I should've answered your calls… I-"

Once he was right in front of her, he pulled her into a hug to silence her. His arms wound firmly yet gently around her frame. His shoulders shook with silent cries of joy.

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