Living in the Shadows Ch. 3

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"I'm tellin' you, it was super weird!" Mela clenched her fist angrily. "Only caught a glimpse of them, but it was definitely a bunch of pokemon!"

Giacomo sighed. "So we've got kleptomaniac pokemon to worry about now? Man, just when we were finally getting settled back in."

Atticus never would've imagined the day Team Star would be back in school. Yet there they were, gathered in front of the academy. Even their big boss herself was present and had a hand in helping them get reacquainted with school life. But just when they thought things would settle down, a new problem arose.

"Momo, what exactly happened at your base again?" Penny inquired.

"After a day of battle training some students, I came back here like usual for the evening. Next day, I found a bunch of supplies gone. Potions, elixirs, revives. You name it, it was gone. Bad thing is we need those things to operate our STC's, otherwise we can't heal up anyone's pokemon without a trip to a Pokemon Center."

Penny closed her eyes in thought. "Peculiar. What kind of pokemon would steal those? Berries and food supplies I'd understand, but healing items?" She shook her head. "Could you explain your encounter, Mellie? Don't leave a single detail out."

"Like Giacomo, I spent all of yesterday at my base battlin' some inexperienced kids. I stayed later than expected to get in extra training, plus the guys wanted some battling tips. Anyway, I was about to leave when something weird happened. There was this oddly sweet smell in the air, although I couldn't describe it if I wanted to. The next thing I knew, a bunch of the pokemon started acting out of sorts, like they'd been struck with confusion or something, but it was only about half of 'em. The rest were fine for some reason. Then I saw it - something in the darkness slinking around. It went from tent to tent, but whatever it was, it was fast and blended into the darkness. I tried to chase it down, but a bunch of large pokemon intercepted me, and with over half my team incapable of fighting, I couldn't do anything. Next thing I know, all the mysterious pokemon were gone and a bunch of supplies were missing. Even the fire stones I'd collected had vanished! What pokemon needs that many stones?!"

"Did you see what any of the pokemon looked like?"

Mela shook her head. "Nope. It was really dark. All I saw were their large shapes and glowing eyes. There were at least maybe five or six of them, though. Plus the one raiding the tents."

"This is strange." Penny looked at each of the others. "And none of you have been visited by these thieves, have you?"

Eri and Ortega shook their heads, and Atticus answered with, "Nay, but in light of these incidents, it would be wise to increase our security."

"That's probably the best we can do," Penny said with a shake of her head. "If these thieves hit up two bases, they might strike the others as well."

"Let them try!" Ortega hit his scepter against his palm. "If anyone thinks they can sneak into my base and steal my stuff without consequences, then they're sorely mistaken! I'll teach them a lesson if I catch them!"

Eri crossed her arms with confidence. "Due to my base's location, it would be easy to set up a trap. There's only one way in or out. Unless these pokemon can fly, there's no way they're escaping me."

"I will remain vigilant as well," Atticus added. "The night is an ally to the ninja. In my element, I may just be able to corner these wretched bandits."

"Do your best, everyone. I'll do some research on the subject." Penny started heading for the doors of the academy. "Be careful. We have no idea what we're dealing with yet."

Although the situation kept distracting him, Atticus attended his classes. He was doing quite well, and the young boy Youssef, his dear compadre, kept him company most days. It made him think of her. Violet. Nearly a year ago, he started to see her less and less. She didn't visit Tagtree Thicket like she used to. He also couldn't seem to get a hold of her when he called or messaged her. She was deliberately ignoring his attempts at communicating with her, either that, or something serious happened to her. He regretted not getting her address before. And once he and his friends returned to school, he'd hoped to find her there. But alas, it seemed she was skipping school more than ever. She might've dropped out, for all he knew.

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