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This story will flip flop between First POV and Third POV. Most will be told from Kirey'a's perspective; however, I feel that it's necessary to know how both main characters are feeling sometimes ;)

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                                  Ever since Kirey'a Te Rongloa Tayko'ite was a newborn babe, she felt different from the other members of her clan. An aching need to run and explore like the other children of course, but to also tread carefully not to hurt herself or any other creature she may squish. The other younglings would often tease her with songs of how "Kind Kirey'a has no backbone" and that she would never be able to fully contribute if she could not learn to be a warrior for her people. However, the young Na'vi never lashed out or felt burdened by their cruel words, for she embraced who she knew she was meant to be.

It was not that Kirey'a could not wield a bow and arrow but that she chose not to. Instead, the girl used her time scavenging medicines and tending to the sick and helpless. A healer of sorts.

Due to this, Kirey'a became well acquainted with the much older daughters of the Olo'eyktan. As she spent most of her days learning from the Omaticayas Tsahìk in the works of healing. And for a time, Kirey'a felt she had two new siblings to look up to. That is, until Sylwanin passed and Neytiri met Dream Walker Jake Sully. A divide was created, and the relationship became estranged.

    When the great battle lead by Toruk Makto took her two brothers' lives, even then young Kirey'a felt no instinct of vengeance toward the sky people. Surely, she was riddled with grief, singing their song cords nightly for months as if she were her heartbroken mother wailing for her boys.

   She knew why the war had to happen and that the humans were dangerous, but the girl had been cursed without a mean bone in her body. So Kirey'a did what she could only think to do-bury herself in her duties and avoid any potential mates coming her way. She refused to feel such a poisonous sorrow a third time.

       Fifteen years have passed and Kirey'a was now a young woman, still hiding from the shadows that followed her around whenever she was home. So, she did her best to stay away as often as she could. Unfortunately for her, it was never often enough.

"Ngenga kawkrr ke'u to sìltsan so pam mllte."

You need not to go so soon again.

      Kirey'a gave her mother a knowing look accompanied by a soft smile as she gathered the few items, she would be taking with her. "Ohe tsam to." She responds with a nod toward the forest.

I want to.

      The aging mother and her daughter sat across from one another mere feet from one of the few entrances of the home-cave. With village life bustling about and the sounds of the Ikran making their voices heard every so often, it was easier for Kirey'a's mother to hear her speak. She had begun to lose her hearing slowly after living such a long and tiresome life. Her parents had blossomed with Kirey'a very late in their ages after all.

"Ngenga will fmawn olo' a mate ke'u being meuia."  Her mother tsked as she gestured to the few men minding their own nearby.

You will never choose a mate not being home.

Kirey'a rolls her eyes, ready to remind her mother why she had no intentions. though, before she has the chance, her mother leans closer. "Nayef Tsam to olo' ngenga." she whispers, wiggling her eyebrows in a funny way.

Nayef wants to choose you.

          A part of the young woman wanted to giggle at her mother's antics, but she remained with her raised eyebrows as her eyes roll over her mother's joyous grin. The wise woman hardly had any time with her only daughter anymore as she would be running off in each and every direction each day. Whether it was to be fetching materials or checking in on her patients, she could never keep up. Kirey'a's mother often wondered why she was having to find materials almost every day despite going on her journeys for them often enough. However, the old Na'vi would not express suspicion since cherishing her time with her daughter meant more to her than anything she had ever known.

"Ulte ohe tsam grandchildren." 

'Grandchildren.' Kirey'a thought to herself. Of course, her mother wanted grandchildren. 

    She quietly sighs to herself as she stands up with her soon to be filled medicine pack. Stepping over to help her mother stand before giving her a soft embrace. "You will have grandchildren one day Mama." Kirey'a whispers in English before kissing her mother on the cheek.

     As Kirey'a collects her bow and knife, the elder Na'vi turns to watch her daughters retreating form.  "Hopefully before I am dead." She says to herself.


Do we like the name Kirey'a?

My updating schedule will more than likely be once a week, but I'm going to try to push for twice.

I am so excited to share with you!


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