N I N E T E E N. -P.T II-

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Not my art btw I just thought it fit perfectly ;)


      In this early afternoon of a day, two lovers stood apart, both yearning for what they didn't know they already had. The skies were growing darker by the minute. Clouds were caving in as the storm from the reef had finally caught up to her.

      The former healer of the Omatikaya clan remained tense, her muscles rigid with a hardened stare across to her mate. He had called for a truce in some form. Declaring that he no longer wanted war with the natives. Though, for Kirey'a that was simply too good to be true. Convinced that he were only trying to deceive her a second time. A few glances with his pretty eyes and adorable twitching ears were not enough to convey trust again.

      The delicate breeze had begun to pick up. Her hair swaying against her upper back, tickling at the hot skin. Every part of her warmed to be under his gaze once again, despite the efforts she dragged her mind through to subdue such a teasing feeling. Kirey'a wanted to remain strong for her people, powerful for Toruk Makto's family. As she was all that stood between them now, a heavy wage to uphold.

     Colonel Miles Quaritch felt he had been balancing on a tight rope for far too long. Knowing he would soon fall to either side. One being where Kirey'a and Spider stood waiting, and the other was overcrowded with his past. The redemption he had once craved, the reward of saving who was once his people.
     Miles was doused in confliction, harbored by the heavy decision he had yet to make despite his words. His woman and the boy would never be safe if Jake Sully kept breathing. Ardmore had made that fact known with their lives. If he followed through with his promise to keep her safe, any ounce of love Kirey'a still held for him would surely dry up.
     However, if he made peace with her, if he swore to spare Sully and his family, she would continue to love him. They could take the chance and flea from the RDA's leash.
     They could be a family.

     But where?

     Still looming with his past selves disdain. What the previous Quaritch had done would chase him everywhere. It would follow him into the forest where he was sure Kirey'a would want to return. It would stalk him here in the reef alongside his current actions. There was not a place Miles could take them where they would not know his name. His dysfunctional family would never be welcomed. A half breed Na'vi father with a human son alongside a respectable Omatikayan women who had stained her honor by choosing him.

     Ultimately, Miles knew which part he had to play. Though, in the back of his mind he knew it wasn't right either. In this reality, there would be no winners. So, perhaps he could choose another.

     And with that, Quaritch had formulated a plan.

     Inching forward, Miles outstretches his hand. Palm facing upward as he reached out to the seemingly unbothered woman. "Please." He begs, ears dropping back with tenderness. Eyes squinting as his brows furrowed. "I am lost." He whispers whilst his pride fought against the words he desperately searched for.

     Miles could not ask the question he needed. Fearful of the 4response he felt he would receive. Was she with him? To be by his side, to love him. This, the war hungry clone needed to know. Loving her was the easy part but keeping her was an entirely different story.

      Kirey'a continued to study her mates appeal, unsure herself as to whether his pleading expression was a façade. A part of her wanted to believe him, she wanted to comfort and soothe his worries away. But the other half, screamed warning. To run away from the fraud he had made himself out to be.

LOVE & CONQUEST-Colonel Quaritch-Where stories live. Discover now