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Italics = Na'vi language!

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            Kirey'a arrived to High Camp early the next morning, continuing her journey  after stopping by the rivers edge to retrieve her mothers bow. By the time she had reached home, her body was wore out, muscles overworked as they begged for rest.

       Stepping into the Omatikaya territory, sounds of waking Ikran and light chatter of the people's voices filled her ears. Despite herself being exhausted, Kirey'a picked up her speed into a light jog as she grew more and more excited for the reunion.
       Once in view, members of the clan spot Kirey'a as she stumbled over her feet. Many rushing to the healers aid, flooding her with questions as others disappeared to retrieve the Tsahik.

By now, the tears had dried up, the sorrow, washed away with nothing but the physical pain occupying her mind. The scrapes she had received when she'd fallen to her knees hours prior, thumped with a sting, dirt and grime caking the injuries closed. Small bruises littered her sides as she had tripped countless times throughout the night. Her vision obscured by the tears that had stuck with her.

"Zeykoyu," one called as she knelt before her, placing her hands gently along Kirey'a's stomach. Eyes searching her skin for each wound.

It has been a name unreferred to her while away, one she had not heard in what felt like forever. Healer, it meant, as Kirey'a had been just that, alongside Tsahik, she would assure the health of others. Whilst today, they would do that for her.

Another woman had placed herself behind Kirey'a, sitting against her knees with Kirey'a's head elevated by her thighs. "Healer, your body has reached its limits. You must lay still." She advised whilst Kirey'a attempted to rise to her feet, limbs shaking with exertion. She fell back into the Omatikayan, a heavy sigh leaving her lips as she allowed herself to go limp as not to strain any longer.

Kirey'a did not want to wait, she wanted to reach Olo'eyktan and discuss her return. She wanted to meet with her mother to tell her all that she has seen and the love she had found and lost. Though, she had pushed herself too far, been too eager to arrive home as she felt she were on borrowed time.

She had made sure she weren't followed home, paranoia being the only thing that did as she would constantly check her surroundings. Either way, Kirey'a still felt that time was at an essence, Miles had lied to her about everything else, what was stopping him from keeping his word as not to follow her?

As they waited Tsahiks arrival, Kirey'a attempted to subdue the burning sensation within her lungs by steadying her breath. Inhaling slowly despite the aching need to speed through the process. Her vision traveled along the worrying expressions above her. Recognizing the two young faces to be Angä and Sonia, sisters she witnessed be welcomed into the world.

The two siblings share a worried glance with one another upon noticing the dried blood, smeared along the side of her face. The scrapes against her knees and the bruises against her skin raising concern.

"Tsahik!" Angä suddenly called, taking her eyes from Kirey'a.

"Move aside." Mo'ats aged tone rang out from afar, though Kirey'a had yet to see her as Sonia assisted Angä in carefully setting her head against the forest floor before quickly stepping away.

Mo'at then moves into her view, crouching down by Kirey'a, her hands hovering only inches above her. Examining the minimal injuries the fauna had gifted her throughout her journey.

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