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                    As time carried, days quickly turned into weeks until a month had passed. The Na'vi's routine stayed consistent; wake up, travel with the team to their daily class and then return to the sanctuary to wait for Miles. The two had become even closer with each continuing day, and soon Kirey'a found herself in a jumble. Having fallen inlove with the Colonel, whilst simultaneously struggling with the same question; was this right?

         She was his captive, and he; a man of territorial threat, yet yearning for the life of an Omatikaya, or so she thinks. A devil with angel wings so to speak.

     Miles however, had begun a war within himself; fighting to resist his rising infatuation. Her name rarely left his head whenever he was away with Spider. Oftenly spacing out amidst a conversation with the image of her face overthrowing his concentration and conquering his mind.
     He knew what he had to do to stop this, but he couldn't come to terms with the decision. As he knew she would suffer if he turned his back and handed her over to Ardmore.

     Kirey'a's hair whipped in the wind as they flew through the air, her body hanging out of the aircraft wearing a safety vest attached to the railing.
They were traveling to the Hallelujah mountains today after convincing Kirey'a to take them there. She was hesitant at first, the thought of them becoming Ikranä Maktoyu not simmering well. Though with a bit of persuasion from Miles, along with an infectious smile she gave in.

    He watched as her smile grew bigger, her eyes closed, and a hand outstretched toward the clouds whilst the other remained gripping the bar. At the sight, Miles wanted to smile to, though he restrained himself. Not wanting to risk his comrades noticing that he was falling in-love, even if he didn't realize this himself.

    As Kirey'a opens her eyes, she notices Mons Veritatis in the distance. It is the largest floating mountain and was where the Omatikaya traveled to choose their Ikran.  She called out, gesturing to Miles that they'd arrived.

     Once landed, Kirey'a removes the vest and excitedly runs to the base of the winding stem. Her eyes traveling all the way up as it connects to floating mountain chunks, remembering her journey to the top when she claimed her own Ikran, Meyhaiya.

     With no time to waste, Kirey'a could not contain her excitement as she waved everyone to follow her. Together, they made their way up the twisted stalk, climbing over boulders and balancing themselves as the winds of Pandora rocked the stems. At one point, Kirey'a had grabbed onto Miles' upper arm in order to steady his body. Legs shaking as he peered down, he had never been very good with heights. The fear of falling could bring out cowardly thoughts in any man.

     As they neared the top, Kirey'a came to a stop once arriving to the jump. She waited patiently for everyone to catch up and come together before addressing the group.

    Gesturing behind her as the rock slowly spun around. Underneath it were vines that hung within reach as this was another test, fail this one, and the Na'vi would fall to their death. "You must jump to catch the swinging vines, when you have successfully done so, use your strength to climb to the top. Any questions?" She grinned, flicking her ears about as she skimmed the small crowd.

     Mansk raised his hand before asking, "what if it snaps."

     "You die." Spider blatantly expressed before turning to share an eye roll with Kirey'a.

     "Spider and I will go first. Pay attention."

      Kirey'a takes a few steps toward the group, stopping mere inches from Miles' chest. She flashes him with a silly wink before spinning on her heels. She breathes in deeply, exhaling as she takes off, jumping far and gliding through the air. Hands fumbling as they grip the vine, swinging back and forth whilst she positioned her feet accordingly.

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