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Last night's slumber was below satisfactory for what little sleep Kirey'a managed to obtain. Considering the girl had slept on a stone-cold floor with a constricting mask, she had no other expectations. Majority of the evening had been spent with her pacing the small room, thinking of that man and the entire situation. Kirey'a couldn't help but carry a strange feeling on her shoulders. She did not feel threatened, nor did she worry of what was to come, only of what Spider might be enduring in the very moment.

She knew there was something for them to gain by keeping the two of them alive. However, figuring out what that might be was the problem she could not solve.

Miles had come for Kirey'a early that morning, bound her to restraints and escorted her out of the room. Together they walked through multiple doorways, along with making many turns. She tried to keep track though she quickly lost her sense of direction by the time the two had made it outside. As they stepped into the daylight, Miles' grip on her upper arm tightened. For he did not want her trying to run off in a place such as this.

Kirey'a's indoor experience had been nothing short of a nightmare, though she would agree that the outside of the compound was far worse. Loud machinery taking up majority of the space, moving around and making offal whirring sounds which pained her ears. Sparks flying in almost every direction, not to mention the crowd of sky people moving about their daily routines as they built onto a planet that did not belong to them.

She scrunches her nose with distaste, eyeing the small people viciously as Miles tugs on her arm. Every part of her was screaming for Kirey'a to escape, to run for the trees to alert her people. Of course, she would not make it very far before being gunned down, so she allowed the man to take her once more.

As they walked, she kept her head down, listening intently to her surroundings. Allowing her ears to be her guide for she did not want to stare upon such heartbreaking scenery. They were destroying her home after all, digging it up and taking the life with it. Pushing fauna from their territories, disrupting the balance of Pandora.

She listened as the machinery's voices began to slowly fade, the overwhelming chatter of the humans dying with it. She wished they would leave, go back and fix their own planet instead of trying to put roots up elsewhere. It would only be a matter of time before they destroy yet another.

Kirey'a was knocked from her thoughts as her face collided with the shoulder of the Colonel. Her eyes shooting open to find that they were no longer near any kind of machine, only few smaller buildings than that of what they had just departed from. The stone path had come to an abrupt stop, leaving nothing but a dirt path in its wake. Straight ahead was a gate and a tall fence surrounding a large open space. A garden lay in the midst of it, to the right sat a wooden structure. There were many other things, many of which Kirey'a had no words for.

Confused yet again, she turns to face Miles with another scrunched nose. "What are we doing here?" She asks, attempting to search his eyes all over again.

"This is where you will stay from now on." He tells her, gesturing to the space before glancing back down at the Na'vi.

She quickly narrows her eyes at the man before taking another moment to glance around the area once more. Kirey'a figured that just about anything would be better than that headache of a room. However, she is still trapped in this place-and nothing would amount to the way the outside world makes her feel. Happy and free.

Taking in the tall, buzzing walls surrounding her little oasis, she finds herself looking back up to him. "A cage?"

He raises an eyebrow and turns his body to face her own. "What?" He asks, removing his grip from her and resting his hands on his waist.

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