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        Kirey'a's bare skin pressed against the cold stone surface, small, elevated roots arching her back ever so slightly as Miles hovered above her. His heavy breath lingering along her chest with every stray kiss he would place. Tracing up her body as he carried his lips to the crook of her neck. Hands roaming her sides whilst Kirey'a wrapped her legs around Miles' anchoring hips. Quiet moans escaping into the thick night air as the two succumbed to their desires.

     Their bodies lay encased beneath the willow-like vines of Vitraya Ramonung, the purple luminescent cords cascading over them, hidden yet in plain sight. Its inviting hue beaming from above, producing a shadow to lay across Kirey'a's stomach. Causing a halo like effect against Mile's profile, her pupils dilating with each glance, completely mesmerized by his beauty. 

     The way his skin dimmed against the light, yet his face remained bright with emotion. An intoxicated, harmonized expression, never changing as the two waltzed through the motions of love. The exhausted crinkles beneath his eyes, overworked, yet remaining to the current task.

    Her fingers reached to caress his cheeks, ceasing his intimate hunger. Lifting his eyes, Miles finds her own, his lovesick irises enlarging amongst other things. Crawling forward so that his face now only inches away from hers, he dips down for a slow kiss. Their lips crashing heavy whilst his hand snakes around the back of Kirey'a's neck, lifting her into the air.

     He pulls the two into an upright position, falling to their knees with Kirey'a entangled in Miles' arms and their bodies pressed dangerously together. She smiles into him, and he sighs a sweet bliss as he too grins her way.

     Simultaneously, the couple retrieve their braids, centering them as the tendrils unveil. Presented with the harmonious sway as they reach out to one another, looking for an everlasting partner. The bonding embrace of a soulmate.

    Kirey'a looks away from the dancing tendons and up to an already staring Miles. "We will be mated for life." She explains, dropping her chin to view him from beneath her lashes. The sudden wave of nerves getting the better of her, anxious to find out just how sure he is of such a spell.

    His lips twitch into a small, yet quick smile before leaning into her. Pressing his forehead to her own and inhaling deeply, breathing in her floral scent. Staying this way, their eyes closed as a way to familiarize, he speaks,

    "I want you forever."

    A quiet gasp slips away, sighing with relief. Eyes fluttering open, Kirey'a's heart races with passion. She beams brightly, overjoyed with his response as this meant the Na'vi women would in fact, not be alone. She would travel through life, husband by her side every step of the way. Even so, her mother would finally have her grandchildren. No longer would Kirey'a be a disappointment, this she was sure of.

    Snickering, Miles pulls away with his head tilted to the side and his ears laid back. "Can't scare me away that easily." A lazy mile set across his cheeks, humoring Kirey'a into a giggle. His teasing words, easing the tense sexual atmosphere. Quickly, Kirey'a rocks onto her knees to reach his lips, smiling into the delicate kiss.

    They reposition themselves before allowing their queues to entangle into an erotic embrace. Instantly, both Kirey'a and Miles are knocked from their breath, their pupils enlarging as the sensations begin to consume their thoughts.

     Breathing heavily as he was stunned by the sudden rush of hormones, Miles tuned in on the widespread phenomenon overtaking his body. Embracing them as he briefly closed his eyes in order to center himself. His nostrils flaring with the overpowering scent of her skin. His chest fluttering to the euphoric like rhythm of her beating heart. Ears peeling back, succumbing to the rise of sexual fulfillment, despite having hardly touched her.

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