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                  The helicraft had dropped the group off on a nearby cove before departing back for base. Miles informed Kirey'a of the two hours she would be given each day in this exact spot to teach until their ride would show up to take them home. Although, to Kirey'a and Spider home was not and never would be the same place as their new 'friends'. It was far away from here, hidden in the forest with their people. 

     She scanned the area as the others did a quick patrol, a light smile creeping to her cheeks as her toes wiggled against the sand. For Kirey'a to say she was relieved to be back on familiar ground, would be a complete understatement. She finally felt that she could relax and breathe easy again. Being within the metal fences, and away from the blooming life of the open world had begun to feel claustrophobic.

    Kirey'a inched closer to the small rippling waves that washed against the glimmering sand. Feeling the cool water consume her feet as she sighs with bliss, still beaming up at the sky whilst she rocked with the water's rhythm.

    As Miles walked along the border where the trees met the beach, he held his weapon close. Sounds of wildlife echoing throughout put him on edge with the possibility of seeing another native. He glances over his shoulder for a moment, checking in on what Spider and the girl were up to while their backs were turned. 

    His hard, concentrated features begin to soften as he witnesses the girl completely raptured in the moment. Her feet in the water, hands clasped against her lower back and looking to the sky whilst swaying back and forth. He thought her behavior was strange, as she was always so in tune with Pandoras nature. He had noticed that even the morning sun brought her tremendous joy. While for him, it only pissed him off.

    It had to be a native thing, because when he looked to Spider, the kid was attempting to build sandcastles. As cute as it was, he was doing poorly.

    With the shake of his head, Miles signals for Walker. Digging through the breast pocket of his vest, he hands her a telecom set and motions for her to give it to Kirey'a.


 "Put these on, like this." the recombinant instructed as she approached the Na'vi who then turned to face her. Holding out a choker designed telecom, and its partnering earpiece. She gestured to the ones she wears, silently displaying what to do with them.

   Kirey'a nodded hesitantly, glancing between the objects that now sit in her palms and to the ones worn by the women standing before her. She clips the earpiece against her cartilage with a small pinch against the skin before carefully placing the necklace around her throat. It hugged to her more comfortably than she'd imagined as she adjusted her brothers' song-cords she kept safely around her neck. "It'd be easier if you just took those off." The women advised.

    Kirey'a half stepped away from her as she lightly gripped at the cords as if to protect them from her touch.

   Walker immediately understands the message, also stepping away with her hands raised in retreat. "It was just a suggestion." She defends, "what are those anyway?"

    As Kirey'a began to speak, her words went silent as Miles waved the others together. "Well, everybody, class is in session." He announced, clapping his hands together before lowering himself in a squat. The others followed his lead with Walker joining them soon after.

    Spider appeared beside Kirey'a as all eyes were now on them. She shared a glance with her little friend before bringing her gaze back to the people before her. But she didn't dare speak. Call it stage fright, as Kirey'a wrapped her tail in spirals around her leg, bringing her hands together as she fumbled with her fingers. Her eyes drifted to her sand covered feet as Spider took it upon himself to speak.

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