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        He would sit there and he would wait. Ignoring the constant throb of his wounds and the tender ache in his bones. Sprawled out on the hot tropical sand, burning against the back of his exposed calves. The rising sun-scorched his skin.
     Miles wasn't sure if sunburn was a thing for the indigenous. The reef people all seemed to have the same tones across the board.

    Besides, a sunburn wasn't but the least of his concerns.

     His upper body leaned against the familiar tree stump he remembered so clearly. Reaching for the image of his mate hunkered down with glaring eyes staring back his way.

    A controversial sight for many, but to Miles-seeing that women so fierce and willing-well it made him love her even more.
    After all, it was the only thing keeping him company at the moment.

     Cupcake wasn't exactly one for talk. He couldn't understand the damn bird like Kie could. Hell, maybe she couldn't either-maybe she was making it up.

     No, probably not. Miles hadn't a doubt in his mind the capabilities of that women. Even when it came to talking to birds.


     She made it out, right? She had to. Sully wouldn't hurt a hair on her head. Well-maybe he would depending on her. But-she wouldn't hurt them either. He'd seen it-her hesitation. Her uncertainty to draw blood.

     Miles couldn't blame her, though. He'd put a burden on her shoulders-forced her to choose when she wasn't ready.
     Maybe he shouldn't have done that. Maybe he shoulda...gone with the flow of water.

     Maybe... he shoulda asked Eywa.

      Hell-what was going through his head? 'Ask Eywa?' Ha! Even when he was human Miles didn't believe in that crap.

      Exhausted, a grunt left his lips as he shifted his position. An ache in his ass from all this uneven sand had begun to form. He was hurting already-both inside and out. No reason to add to the pain, nothing to gain from it anyhow.

      When he finally settled for the second time, Miles angled his head to the sky. Any moment, Kirey'a would appear from around the bend. She would, he knew she would.

       It hadn't been long, maybe an hour or two since Spider had pulled him from the oceans floor. Saved his life.
       It was a huff this time that left his lips, the fleeting thought of his son turning into a lasting one.

       He fiddles with the song cord hiding away in his pocket. Pulling it into the light before convincing himself to look at it. Sitting in his palm, his fat thumb rubbing down the notes until meeting a familiar carved surface.
      It was like he was reading braille for dummies.
     Though he wasn't really reading at all.
      His mind too occupied on the last moments spent with the boy. With him hissing in response to his proposal, and then diving back into the ocean to be with his foster family.

       Miles knew he wasn't ever getting an award for 'Father of the last 16 years', but hell-he did care about him. Thought he'd proved that when he let that girl go to save his life-again.

      He'd be okay. Probably better off anyway.


        Kireya didn't know where she was. Or if she was even still alive. The pain in her stomach and the throbbing in her head had her too delirious to be able to think properly.
       Black was all she saw, her eyes closed and her body limp and pressed against the back of her Ikran. She could feel Meyhaia's muscles shifting, the wind rolling over her figure as the two soared through the air together. It felt like the last time.

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