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                      Later that morning, Kirey'a was being taken to an aircraft already fired up and ready to go. Only 4 members of Quaritch's team, waiting for their arrival.

      Kirey'a did not know where today's journey would take them, only that they would be leaving the compound to get away from the obnoxious noises it held within. She did know however, that her agreement to teach Miles the way of the forest was to be a silent alliance between the two. Na'vi culture and language were the primary focus when his comrades were around. Mornings would be for the group teaching, and evenings were dedicated to one-on-one sessions for more in-depth training.

      Miles decided this for two reasons; the first being that bonding with the native might only go so far when the others were around, and the second-well, he also knew she did not particularly enjoy the company of his fellow recombinants.

     Arriving to the airstrip, Kirey'a quickly spots the sky kid as he stuck out next to the tall Na'vi. A smile grew instantly for she realized her request had been made accordingly. As she started to jog ahead of Miles to greet her little friend, she is held back by the grasp of a large hand around her wrist.

     As she turns to confront him, she is met with the loud snap of a heavy metal band around her wrist. It was a dull grey in color and littered with small blue lights. For Kirey'a, having the metallic object pressed against her skin without any indication of possible removal by herself, made her skin crawl with anxiousness.

     Miles watched her face fall into a state of dejection like she was a dog receiving a shock collar and knew what it meant. A spark of pity ignited deep within his chest and wanting to avoid such a draining emotion, he moved from her and continued his walk without any kind of explanation this time.

     As he did, Kirey'a's timid voice called out, "Miles?" To which his ears lowered as he slowed to a stop, for he hadn't heard her say his name until now. The way the letters rolled off her tongue made shivers hike up the back of his neck. And to his surprise, he liked it a little too much.

      Granting her with a quick glance over his shoulder, he took notice that she was still standing in place, one hand gripping her forearm as she held the device up. He fought the urge to smirk at her silly entrancement by its pretty blue lights.

"What is it?" She asks, lightly shaking at her arm before resorting to tugging at its exterior.

      A part of him didn't want to tell her in fear of how she might react, but he also knew he couldn't keep lying every time a new question was asked. "It's a tracker."

     Her eyes left the device and drifted up to view his side profile, lingering for a short time on his defined jaw before settling on his gaze. "But why?" She asks.
Kirey'a felt that he would know she wouldn't escape without Spider. All though considering the boy is a human, maybe Miles felt differently about the chances of her leaving him behind.

"In case I lose you." His husky voice made Kirey'a's shoulders slump ever so slightly. Something about his choice of wording whispered to her soul and tugged at her heartstrings.

    She looked away from him and back to the tracker before dropping her hands. "Oh." She mumbled whilst she tried to remind herself that he didn't mean it the way she had first interpreted. Kirey'a was starting to feel an often need to tell herself that she was a hostage and nothing more.

     Miles then turned forward once again and continued for the aircraft as the others were surely anxious to get a move on. Hearing the girl's footsteps following swiftly behind him, it wasn't long before she was running past and straight for the kid.

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