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What's happening?

The question lingered in her mind; eyes drawn to her brother's body tucked below. To the roots reaching around him in natures embrace.
Hot tears fell from her, bouncing off the blades of grass that swayed with life. Images of the day prior flashed through her, replaying the gruesome display of his death over and over again.

Shaking hands hovering over her brother's chest. Red liquid stained her skin, a sight she would never be able to shake.

Kirey'a blinked the image away, her ears hung with her shoulders, remembering where she was.

With Anok's songcord clutched to her chest. The other, extended with a Tsawksyul flower rested within her palm, waiting to join his burial. Waiting just as the others were from behind. Kirey'a just stood there. Unwilling to let go.

He just needs to rest. Eywa will heal him.

Slowly blinking at the tears, Kirey'a was right back in that place. With Anok laid on his back, arms limp by his sides, and an empty gaze facing to the brown boards above them.
Her older brother had died before she had managed to crawl from beneath him. His body was heavy and warm, and it gave her a fleeting moment of hope that he was unharmed.

When she did see him, her tiny body shook aggressively with saddened confusion. With loud cries only to be drowned out, almost unnoticeable amongst the many others that flooded the room. A great loss in life had plagued their oasis. Kirey'a did not know how many.

"Wake up." She told him. Her small voice was quiet and trembling. Her cheeks were soaked and burning. "Please." She whispered, wrapping her fingers around his hand the best she could. Lifting his heavy arm up, laying her face against his palm.

Kirey'a leaned into the stiff touch, eyes squinted and jaw slack as she cried. "Anok." his name stung her lips as the tears had with her sight. "Wake up."

Out of the two Rongloa sons, Anok had been the least serious. He played with little Kirey'a whenever she asked, and he took care of her when she needed it.

Now, as the girl stood over her brother's grave, she felt scared and alone.

She knew that people were watching, and that she had to do what was expected of her. But she didn't want to. Holding this trinket felt like it was the last time she would ever be close to Anok. She didn't want to ever be away from him.

With the slow, cautious touch of a hand, Kireya did not tear her sight from the sleeping boy below. She felt the presence behind her crouch down, a gentle squeeze on her shoulder.
"Be strong." They whispered, and Kirey'a recognized the voice as Tsu'Tey.

Sniffling, Kirey'a clenched her teeth and hung her head even more so. "No more tears." He spoke.


      When Kirey'a opened her eyes, she was no longer in the water. Her body shot up, leaning over to her side as the salty substance left her lungs. Coughing by the end before sucking in the viable oxygen.

Kiri was who reached for the women. Placing her four fingered hands against her shoulders to gently will her back. "You are okay, Kirey'a." She coaxed softly.

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