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The next morning, Miles awoke to the sound of screeching Ikran. Glancing down to the women still sleeping soundlessly on his chest before turning his head to the sky, bordered by the arching of stone. Narrowing his gaze as he slowly raised up in attempt to not disturb Kirey'a. Though she slides down his chest, stirring to a sleepy rise with the weak blinking away of her slumber.

From a distance was Lyle, Mansk and Walker, fluttering through the air and above the small island. Searching for the Colonel who had yet to return.
He who watched, completely hidden within the restricting walls of their shelter. Narrowed eyes, never leaving the flying beasts. Jaw clenched with annoyance as this meant it was time to return.

Pulling Kirey'a closer, Miles laid back with a grunt. His sight still trained to the sky line, listening closely with his ears perked. Waiting for the scouts disappearance. The couple would depart for the ship when he decided.
Nuzzling her head into her husbands chest, Kirey'a didn't dare fight the sleep. Quickly drifting off as if she hadn't seen awoken in the first place. Locks of her dark hair fell over her eyes, nose twitching against the subtle itch.

For the next hour, Miles would rarely take away his watchful gaze. Only long enough to glance down at the sleeping beauty who would often stir. Weary to the possibility of being seen and having to engage with his fellow Recoms.

When Kirey'a did wake up, Miles had moved to the doorway, sitting with his shoulder pressed against stone and his arms tucked beneath this knees.
"Miles?" Kirey'a sleepily calls to him, rubbing at her tired eyes before dropping her hand. "What is it?" She could tell that something was off. Tension clouding his quiet position.

"We're going back to the ship." He announces, angling his head so that he could present a side glance.

Furrowing her painted brows as her ears fell back. "Is it safe?" She frowned. Being surrounded by sky people did not sound very appealing for the young Na'vi.

"Don't worry." He reassured, although his tone sounded nothing of the sort. Without another word, Miles stepped from the rock. Though not before whistling for Cupcake to follow. Together the two companions moved further away as he searched the skies for his team.

Finding none, he stopped to wait for Kirey'a. Turning to the Ikran to greet and tend to.

She who rubbed at her eyes one last time before getting up herself. Slowly following after her mate and into the sunlight of the rising star. It's heat welcoming her into the new day as Kirey'a twirled around. Eyes closed and arms stretched to the sky with a smile accompanying her lips.
Deciding that she would make the best of it, despite where todays events would take her.

Kirey'a called out to Meyhaia as she neared her husband. Flashing a quick glance his way before turning to greet her friend as she flew from the cave and halted next to the rider.
Smoothing a hand along the creatures neck as it chirped delightfully. "Good morning. Are you hungry?" Kirey'a asked, gently running her fingers along until she reached her pack.
The Ikran responded with few croaks and the bobbing of her head. Resulting in a giggling Kirey'a as she dug through the tote for what was left of the dried Yerik. Returning to stand in front of Meyhaia, Kirey'a dangled the jerky before her eyes, allowing her to see it before tossing it up into the air.
Meyhaia quickly fluttered upward, capturing the treat into her jaws and swallowing it hole before returning to the handler for more.

Which Kirey'a wasted no time in feeding the remaining pieces before finicking with the warping saddle and climbing on top of the beast. Queues connected and her body low in a squat. Feet firmly placed along the grips, she looks to Miles who still stands with his hands rested against Cupcakes dark skin. Their eyes locking whilst she lowers her decorative wind visor.

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