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3rd Person POV


              The Na'vi women sat with her knees to the forest floor, her mother's bow strapped to her back. The massive leaves of the ground flora camouflaging her as she rummaged through the center of the Tsyorina'wll. Taking half of the many seeds it possessed but leaving a few in order for the plant to continue its line.

    Kirey'a stuffed the flour-making seeds into her travel bag after wrapping them tightly with one of its huge leaves. As she begins to depart from her hidden oasis, she turns back for a few extra in order to make a fever brew. 

     Her tail flicked about, and she stood with a sigh, the rising eclipse meant it was time for her to return to her temporary home for the night. The grumble of her stomach told her something different; dinner would need to make its appearance first.

     Deciding to leave her pack where it lay and retrieve it after the hunt, Kirey'a pulls one of her white feathered arrows from its makeshift quiver before retrieving a long strand of twine. As she ties the two together, her ears twitch with the evening sounds of the animals of Pandora. Most settling down for the night, while some are beginning to arise for their turn. Once the job was done, Kirey'a took her bow back into her hands and began the short waltz for the edge of the nearby river.

     As she does this, her eyes bounce along the branches of the high trees, spotting a few straying Prolemuris bounding along with her. Their adorable curiosity filling Kirey'a with joy as she smiles and waves to them. Of course, they do not reciprocate the action as they just stare and tilt their heads before disappearing into the brush.

        Just as she arrives to the water's edge, Kirey'a's ears perk up to the heavy rustling of footsteps intertwined with the voice of a child in distress. A male child whose voice sounded so familiar that she scrunched her face and froze in place to think for a moment.

        "Spider?" She lightly spoke as she thought of the human boy frequently seen within the village. Kirey'a knew of the boy and had spoken with him a number of times as he was always trying to lend a helping hand. She suspected it was because he wanted to get in the good graces of the Omaticaya people. He was like a constant reminder of a war many of whom were trying to forget, and she understood that because she too was trying to leave it behind. However, Kirey'a enjoyed Spider's company as he always found a way to make her laugh. She also believed that a child should not pay for the crimes of their parents.

      The sound of her stomach gurgle once more pulled her from her thoughts, and back to the glistening waters before her. The fish flapping about, teasing her as if they knew she would not be feasting on either one tonight.

      Dropping her bow to the ground, Kirey'a spins around in place. Feeling for her two knives attached to her hips before taking off into the tree line. Her hair whipping about in the wind as the beads within it clack together. Ears twitching from all angles, listening for directions to her eminently distressed friend.

      Kirey'a was not really thinking about what to expect upon arriving to the scene, aside from it being nothing. She assumed Spider might be playing with Neytiri's children like their usual routine. The kids were always quite loud when they engaged with one another, which wasn't so bad until it happened whilst she was trying to concentrate on dosages. However, now was not so much the issue as it guided her to where the youngling(s) were.

      Gliding through the forest, Kirey'a latched onto a low hanging branch and swung herself forward, disappearing into the brush and out the other end. And before she knew it, she was standing in front of them. Lightly panting with her ears flared open in shock at just who it was that stood before her. Na'vi. But not the little Sully princes and princesses, and most definitely no Na'vi that she's ever seen before.

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