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Saw this was someone's Tik Tok profile picture. It's beautiful.

         Afternoon had eased into the evening as the storm picked up. Rain fell harder whilst the eclipse rose within it's setting sun. The couple had been forced out from the open, finding temporary shelter beneath a mass of stacked boulders serving as a shallow cave. Their Ikrans, Cupcake and Meyhaia laid nestled in a slumber against the stone wall. A beautiful contrast to their light and dark skin made the cave appear almost homely if it weren't so small.

      Kirey'a laid against Miles' chest, listening to the slow thump of his heartbeat. Snuggling together with his arms wrapped loosely around her stomach. Enjoying the serenity that the weather brought.
     Thunder crackled in the distance, winds shook the leaves from their trees and waves crashed ferociously against the warm sand. None of this bothered either Na'vi, as it had gifted them more time away from the outside world. Away from the war and it's impossibilities.

     Miles stared into the outside, eyes skimming through the natural occurrences as Kirey'a laid with hers closed. Lapping at the little tranquility in its storm. Her hands smoothed down his arms, stopping when they reached the top of his. Slipping her fingers through his own with a sigh of bliss.

    "I'm pregnant, Miles."

     The announcement sounded worrisome and yet came euphoric. Miles caught on to this, his ears perked as Kirey'a felt his heart quicken. She felt the pressure of his arms on her tummy lift, and their interlocked hands smooth down. His thumbs gently grazed against her skin, leaving traces of butterflies in their place.

     Frankly, Miles didn't think it were possible. Yet he was glad he could give it to her, as the topic had never been approached by the young couple, he didn't have a doubt in his mind she wanted a child. Remaining content, yet frightened by the circumstance.

     Resonating the only feelings Kirey'a could feel. It was nerve-racking, starting a family without experience. Harrowing, because despite having each other-they were alone. As everyone was fighting a war, they were within their own battle. Now, with a family to protect-with Spider and a child who had yet to breathe their first breath, there was everything to lose.

    Understanding this, Miles leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Kirey'a's temple. Smiling as she feels his lips slowly shifting toward her ear. "I thought you smelled different."
    Kirey'a laughs, raising her hand to lightly smack at her husbands playful comment.
    Chuckling himself, Miles scoops Kirey'a back into him, repositioning his arms around her chest. Nuzzling his face into her neck as he litters her with light kisses. "You're as breathtaking as ever, Kie."

   A thought crosses his mind, and quickly Miles briefly removes his hold on his women. Reaching around to remove his tagged necklace, and slipping it around her neck. Spider had not wanted it when Miles had offered, so naturally his next attempt would be Kirey'a. Someone he was certain would not reject the small token. "Now I will always be with you." He claims as he evenly balances the tags down her chest.

   Kirey'a's eyes follow after the clinking metal, something she was not supposed to interact with. Her fingers reached to retrieve the object, flipping it through them as her wide eyes studied the shimmer it provided.

   She grins, "I do not suspect we will ever be apart again." Kirey'a turns her head to gaze upon her mates golden glow. Giggling with a toothy smile as she dropped the item and reached to trace her fingers against his cheek.

    Leaning in, her mate places a lingering peck to her forehead. "You're right, I'll never let anything happen to you." he decides, flashing a sweet smile before turning his attention to the small bump. "Or you." Rubbing his large hand against her stomach, careful not to apply too much pressure. 

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