eight↠ time of death

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Her heart was beating a mile a minute like she had just ran a marathon. She kept twisting her fingers together- a nervous habit she had picked up when she was in middle school. Jaelynn was nervous; she didn't know how the plan was going to work, but she had a feeling that it wasn't going to go super well. Standing in Scott's kitchen with Stiles, Liam, Scott, and Kira, she knew that what they had planned, something bad might happen.

The bag on Liam's back was pulled off and he swiftly produced a Mac Book out of it, placing it down on the counter in front of the high school students. Jaelynn just stared down at the laptops in front of her; she really had a bad feeling about this.

Kira glanced around at everyone. "Is three enough?"

"Depends on how many cameras they have," Stiles said while nodding his head. "But I think so."

Liam gazed up at Stiles and Scott. Nervousness and worry beginning to consume him. "Are we really doing this?"

Jaelynn felt that this plan was too risky. What if the benefactor came? What if they ran out of time and Scott died? She couldn't live with herself if he died, or anybody did for that matter. She went through enough heartache with her mom dying not too long ago, she doesn't need anymore. Her heart is too fragile and she feels as if she won't have one, just tiny fragments left.

Scott looked towards the younger boy, seeing the worry in his facial features. He knew the plan was dangerous, but he was willing to save everyone even if it means he might die. "We're doing it. Tonight."

The plum haired girl pulled her grey Nike jacket closer to her body as a chill ran down her spine. For some funny reason, she felt sick- not the I'm-going-to-throw-up sickness, the I'm-going-to-have-my-powers-take-over-me sickness. The drowsy feeling was trying to come over her but she fought it off, not wanting to become the thing she knew she didn't want to be. It would be too much to handle.

Liam began to become jittery and worry was on his mind. "But isn't it kind of dangerous?"

"Also, isn't it insane to be doing this?" Jaelynn piped up, quietly and softly. She hesitated. "What if he dies?"

Stiles glanced over at the two freshmen, a frown upon his face. He had a feeling they were scared for the well being of everyone, especially Scott. "It's incredibly dangerous. And borderline idiotic."

Liam and Jaelynn looked at each other, the worry and nervousness shown in their faces. Liam's fingers were twitching nervously and instantly Jaelynn laced her fingers through his, entwining them sweetly. She quickly squeezed his fingers in a comforting gesture, in a way telling him that everything's going to be alright and that she's here. For him, and always will be.

Liam gave her a half smile before returning his gaze to the older students in front of him. "Have you guys done something like this before?" He wondered, skeptical.

Stiles raised his eyebrows while he leaned against the counter in front of him. "Something dangerous? Or something idiotic?"

Kira crossed her arms over her chest before she answered, softly. "I think it's a yes to both."

Jaelynn sighed heavily and closed her eyes trying to relieve the pressure that's pushing down on her brain. She couldn't concentrate and everything started to get blurry. But as soon as it started it went away.

"You don't have to be part of it if you don't want to." Scott told them softly, a sympathetic look in his eyes.

"I'm not scared." Liam mumbled, squeezing Jaelynn's hand as if he was telling her he was.

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