one↠ move-in day

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Carrying boxes of junk, clothes, cook books, pots and pans, and electronics wasn't something Jaelynn wanted to be up early for. She wanted to be back home laying in her bed all day, listening to Sia. That's all she wanted to do but when your parents find a better job offer in a small town that you knew nothing about, you kinda have to deal with it.

Jaelynn stepped out the car and faced the new house she'd be living in for the next four years. She didn't want to move at all. Even though, she didn't have the best first semester of freshman year back home in Santa Fe, she would rather be there to have the same people ignore her instead of the new people at her new school. She turns to look at her parents, tapping away on their phones barely acknowledging her existence. It's always been this way, her parents barely looking at her, speaking to her, or spending time with her. They didn't even ask her how she felt about this move, they just told her they were moving to California.

"Jaelynn, I need you to take these boxes upstairs to the attic." Her mother says, handing over two heavy cardboard boxes filled with nothing special in it. Her mom goes back to texting on her phone, ignoring her daughter.

'Will they ever change?' Jaelynn thought before sighing heavily, picking up the boxes tiredly and walking towards the house. She was honestly tired of this- tired of everyone ignoring, tired of her parents treating her terribly. She's just tired in general.

Opening the hatch door to attic, she watched the stairs come down automatically before climbing up the steps, the boxes heavy in her arms. She doesn't understand why her family has so much junk that they don't even need. There's probably random old books and crap in there, nothing special at all.

Jaelynn carelessly dropped the boxes on the dusty attic floor, not caring about what's inside of them until she heard the shatter of glass.

"Shit." She cursed, dropping to her knees, moving the top box off the bottom one and opening it up.

Jaelynn wouldn't get yelled at if something broke, she'd get scolded and grounded for a month for just doing something as simple as that. Her parents are very harsh with punishment and if she broke something valuable or something in general she'd be a damsel in distress.

She shuffled to the bottom, moving old movies and papers nothing looking like glass in that box. She moved onto the next one, shuffling through like she did to the first one. 'Nothing' Jaelynn sighs pushing the boxes under a shelf before brushing her pair of black sweatpants off. She got scared for nothing. 'It was probably something my parents dropped' she thought as she shoved the boxes against the wall, under a shelf with a few boxes and old leather bound books on it.

As she was walking towards the attic steps, suddenly a loud 'smack' sounded behind her. She turned around quickly to see one of the leather bound books on the shelf had fallen off and onto the floor. She sighed heavily and picked the book off the floor. All she wanted to do was to finish unpacking and to go to bed. She had school tomorrow and she wanted to get up early so she could find her classes. She definitely wasn't ready to deal with being ignored..

   The leather bound book was old and dusty, she could barely read the words that were carved into the dingy cover of it in cursive. Jaelynn blew some of the nasty dust off and coughed as some of the dust got caught in her mouth. She squinted her eyes, knowing that she got some in her contact lenses.

Jaelynn's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as her brown eyes skimmed over the letters on the cover. Bestiary. What did that mean?

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