ten↠ perishable

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11:50 pm.

A cloud of white smoke surrounded the brunette girl as she took in her surroundings- the walls were cracked with ancient designs, the hall was dark with a little bit of light shining in and it was freezing cold causing goosebumps to arise on her skin. A blood red dress draped down her body, hugging her curves and then falling above her ankles as the silkiness caressed her skin. Her lips were the same crimson color, looking as if she had coated them in blood.

"Ten minutes." A deep, baritone voice whispered into her ear, sending treacherous chills down her back, and goosebumps along her arms.

The girl was confused. Ten minutes? Ten minutes for what? It didn't make sense, she had ten minutes and she didn't know what to do or where to go. Loud piercing screams came from somewhere in the ancient church, and the girl's heart raced erratically in her chest at the familiar sound of those voices- she's heard them before. By hearing those screams, it told her that something was wrong. Very wrong.

"Don't you want to save your friends?"

It all clicked once the voice spoke again; she had ten minutes. Ten minutes to save her friends.

She quickly ran down the hall in front of her, the sound of her feet echo against the cement walls. She had to find them, she couldn't let anyone else die because of her. Pumping her arms, the girl had a rush of adrenaline course through her veins as her long brown curls whipped behind her. She could hear the screams getting louder and louder, but she felt like she was trapped- it felt like she had been running around these dusty, dirt filled halls for the last five minutes.

Panic began to bubble inside her chest as the screams of terror and agony filled her ears. She needed to save them, she just couldn't find them. Everywhere she looked all she saw was dirt and ancient ruin walls- she felt like she was going insane knowing that her friends were dying and she couldn't do anything about it.

"You won't make it in time... you won't save them."

The brunette stopped running as her breathing began to diminish to a more steady rhythm. She gripped her curls, tugging at them in frustration- she didn't know what to do or where to go. Tears filled her vision- she felt weak and helpless. She was running out of time- running out of time to save the ones she loves. She fell against the wall as her legs were becoming to wobbly to stand anymore and sat on the ground while the sadness struck her deep in the heart.

"Help me!" The scream was so familiar, that her heart had dropped to her stomach in agony.

"Liam," she whispered, her brown eyes wide in realization. She took a deep breath in and wiped her eyes. "No more crying, you can find them. You can do it."

The girl pushed herself up off the floor, a new set of determination flowing through her viens. She took a deep needed breath before running down the hall again, listening to the screams while trying to figure out where they came from. Suddenly, their cries started to get louder, which caused her to run even faster and harder to get to her destination. Just as she rounded a corner, the view of what she saw shook her down to the core.

It looked to be an old chapel, but it was hard to even tell that it was- shards of wood were strewn across the room, bits of rubble were everywhere, and dark crimson liquid stained the walls, and floor bringing her stomach to feel queasy. But the thing that made her heart spilt in half were the people laying in front of her in their own pool of blood. A sob got stuck in her throat as she looked at her friends; they were all surrounded by blood, with claw marks around their throats like someone had ripped them out. Sobs left her mouth as her eyes landed on the boy she had liked so so much, struggling to keep alive.

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