twelve↠ monstrous

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The most painful thing in the world is when someone loses a person that's dear to them; it feels as if someone ripped a piece of them in half and destroyed it until it would never come back into place. It was the feeling of losing one's self and never wanting to come back because of that agonizing pain.

It's as if one has a dark void that's in their heart and body, that needs to be filled with something to take away the terrible feeling. Some fill that void with being a better person and living life happily, others choose a more dangerous, dark tactic. It's like they turn off their emotions, turning into something that isn't them anymore, not being the person they were before all of the pain.

And that's when one loses themselves.

Jaelynn had never thought about the consequences of turning off her humanity when it came to being a hunter-- she never realized how much of a monstrous killing machine she could become. As she pulled her daggers out, her eyes flashing to that brilliant shade of silverish blue, she hadn't noticed the amount of numbness she felt every time she stabbed an assassin in the shoulder close to their heart, in Argent's warehouse.

She didn't realize how far gone she already was.

The sound of footsteps hitting the wet pavement next to the buses was the only thing Jaelynn could hear besides the thunderous amount of rain pelting against the concrete as she ran after the young blonde haired little girl. As they ran past the buses, the moon siren could hear another pair of footsteps thundering the ground behind causing her to slap her feet harder against the pavement.

Jaelynn had a terrible feeling after leaving the bonfire, like that wasn't the only thing that was going to happen that night-- it was like she had this sixth sense, where she could tell something bad was going to happen. She knew she had to go back and help keep who ever was going to be hunted alive, and in this case she was going to keep this little girl from ending up like all the others.

"Lori, stop!" The familiarity of the deep voice caused Jaelynn to flip her head around for a millisecond watching as an arrow pierced the tall figure's left shoulder.


As she ran, she could hear his groans and the sound of his growls as an assassin tried to take him down. Wet strands of plum hair whipped Jaelynn in her face as her colored flannel clung to her body from the rain. Brett's footsteps started gaining on her as she ran onto the lacrosse field, watching as the little girl stopped. The older girl stopped along with her as the Buddhist werewolf caught up to them. His eyes widened as he looked at the soaked girl next to him, not expecting here to be here.

"Jaelynn, what are you doing here?!?" Brett looked at her in disbelief and amazement-- more of amazement than anything.

"Don't question it, we need to keep moving if we want to make it out of here alive," She told him, the huntress side coming out of her as she shut off all her emotions.

It helped her think clearly, especially when she had adrenaline running through her veins.

All of a sudden, out of the corner of her eye Jaelynn noticed a bright red dot, starting from the bottom of their feet and moving up until it was trained on her chest and Brett's also. She slowly watched as more of the lasers came in site, a small, yet annoyed growl coming out of her lips. The sound of the little girls whimpers were heard making Jaelynn turn her head around towards her, a sad smile coming over to her face as she moved to stand in front of her.

A sick feeling had came over the young siren-- she was going to die. She didn't want to be killed by those stupid assassins, she wanted to die fighting just like a hunter or huntress should. She didn't want the same fate as her mothers.

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