fourteen↠ stay

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The calm before the storm.

     It's a phrase that a lot of people don't over-analyze when the think about it- it meant that it seemed like everything was fine and nothing could go wrong until you realized there was a lot more to come your way. In a sense, the calm before the storm actually happens in real life; there's that moment, that almost feels tranquil where everything is still and quiet, which comes right before the rain starts to pour down hard and lightening and thunder roll and crack against the sky, creating a monstrous storm.

  That's what it felt like for Jaelynn right now.

      Despite the fact of the deadpool being over with meaning no more assassins and no more people dying, Jaelynn felt like something bigger was going to happen and she didn't know what to do about it. She thought everything was over and done with, but now as she thinks about what happened last night she can't help but feel it isn't over. It was still the beginning of the end.

    Jaelynn sat on her window seat, looking out at the empty woods in her backyard, thinking about what happened to her last night. What the hell happened to her? She didn't know what was going on at all when she was clawing that assassin's chest. It scared her that she was turning into this.. monster.

    Jaelynn never thought dreams could come true, but as she thought about it, she realized that they did come true and Apollo was right. She was an insatiable killing machine.

  The chorus of Im A Mess by Ed Sheeran filled the quietness of her bedroom as she picked up her phone that was in front of her. A picture of her and Mason was flashing on the screen as she placed the phone against her ear after answering it.


"Hey, Jaelynn!"

A small smile broke out onto her face hearing the familiar voice of her non-supernatural best friend, Mason. Curling her legs into her chest, Jaelynn leaned her head against the window- she hasn't talked to Mason since the night of the bonfire where her, Scott, Liam, and Malia almost got burned to death. She really missed talking to him and hanging out with him- he was the only normalcy in her life.

"I was just wondering if you still wanted to study for are Chemistry test?" Mason questioned.

    Jaelynn had forgot all about the Chemistry test that was coming up on Wednesday that would help determine if she could take Ap Bio next year- Science was one of her favorite subjects. She quickly stood up from her window seat, and began to walk over to her closest to change into something.

"Yeah, my place or your's?"

"Umm.." Mason had a feeling that Jaelynn wouldn't like where he was going with this, but he knew it needed to be done. "Well, I know you're probably going to hate me for this, but.."

   The plum haired girl narrowed her dark brown eyes while she pulled a cream knitted cardigan out of her closet. "Mason, just say it."

   A nervous chuckle left his lips. "I need you to meet me at Liam's house.."


    A small sigh had left Jaelynn's lips as she walked up to the brown door in front of her- she really didn't want to be here at all, but knowing that she really needed to pass her Chem test with an A, she decided to come. Stepping onto the porch, she rang the doorbell before she adjusted her brown leather bag up on her shoulder more, cradling the strap.

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