chapter 11

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Han chewed on his kimchi next to Changbin, who was refilling his plate for the third time.

Minho had already finished and went upstairs, soon coming back with a hoodie on his arm. He threw it on his shoulder, glanced at Han who kept his head down, and walked over to the sink to start doing the dishes.

After a while Han finished, and as much as it had felt weird to eat food made by a murderer, he couldn't deny it was good.
But he wasn't sure what to do next.

Thank the cook for the food? Take the plate to him? Was he even allowed to move...?

"How'd it taste?"
Minho said turning around and grabbing Han's empty plate.

"Uh..." Han was startled.

"You didn't like it? Damn, I guess I didn't put enough spices..." Minho said shaking his head.

I.N got up and brought his plate to Minho.
"It tasted heavenly," he smiled sarcastically.
"Just the right amount of spice."

Minho put down the plate and turned to look at him.
"You know what... I'll let you take the dishes from here." He smiled back.

"Oh come on... I did them last night!"

"And now you're gonna do them again." Minho pat I.N's shoulder.

Then he called to Han;

Han spoke, done with bring too scared to do so.

"Come here."

Minho sat on a living room couch, and one of his cats came to him. He pet it's head, smiling at it as the cat purred and rubbed it's soft head against Minho's veiny, strong hand.

"I said come here."

Han had stopped midway, staring at the cat. Or maybe Minho's hand.

He shook his head and hesitantly walked over to Minho, who looked at him and smirked.

"Sorry about your shirt. Take this."
He offered Han the black hoodie he'd brought from upstairs.

Han accepted it, but very slowly.

"Don't worry, It's just a hoodie. Put it on."

Han grabbed his shirt almost sliding it off, but then stopped when he realized Minho's intense stare.
"Uh... Can you maybe... turn around?"

"I'd rather not." Minho smirked.


Suddenly someone approached Minho from behind him and covered his eyes with their hand.

"Hey!" Minho muttered.

"Put it on." Changbin said, holding his hand firmly over Minho's eyes, looking down.

A wave of thankfulness towards the muscular guy washed over Han as he quickly changed out of his ripped shirt.

Minho wrenched the hand off his face eventually, slapping Changbin playfully as the guy walked away smiling.

The hoodie was a bit too big for Han, but he didn't really care as it was insanely comfortable.
It even smells good, he thought, but then shook the thought off in horror as he remembered who's scent it probably was.

Han sat on the couch opposite to Minho, not looking at him.

"It looks kind of hot on you."

Han's heart almost stopped beating for a moment as his eyes widened at Minho's comment.

"I know you're a murderer, but are you a sex offender by any chance, too?"
The words came out of Han's mouth before he could stop himself. He sat there in horror at what he'd just said.

Minho bursted out in laughter, covering his face.

"No, I'm not. Thanks for asking."

He laughed some more at Han's sudden question, and then added:

"When I fuck someone, they don't beg for me to stop. They beg me for more."

Han's ears turned red. He swore to himself he wouldn't say anything else while he was this sleep deprived.

Minho couldn't stop smiling.

Han was sitting right next to Minho's cats' climbing tree, and Dori had been glancing at him for a while from his spot on it.

It suddenly jumped on the sofa's armrest right next to Han, who was a bit startled by that.
Dori stared at him straight in the eyes, almost like gauging at him.

Hyunjin was leaning on the kitchen doorway, staring at them, yelling;
"Changbin! Come look quickly!"

Changbin ran out from behind the corner.
"What, what??"


The cat was rubbing himself against the sleeve of Han's hoodie.

"No way."
Changbin was amazed.

Han looked at them confusedly, and then carefully pet the cat's head.

"Interesting." Minho said smiling.

Hyunjin walked over and sat uncomfortably close to Han on the couch.

"Those cats don't like anyone but Minho."


"-Me." Minho said with a deep voice, tilting his head.


"They like Changbin the least." Hyunjin added.

Changbin stuck out his tongue at Hyunjin, and Han didn't have to guess who he was. Now only the name of the blonde sitting next to him was a mystery to him - not that he'd dare to ask.
The cat hissed at Hyunjin, who backed away from Han a little bit. If it was possible to feel grateful towards a cat, that's what Han felt like.

The cat jumped down, and something Han had thought about earlier came back to him.

"Can I use the restroom?"

The black haired guy who's name Han now knew to be Minho, got up.
"I'll show you the way."

Han got up and followed him.

Minho pointed the door to him, and Han nodded, opening it.

Han entered the bathroom, that also had a shower.
And a small window right above the toilet.
He'd fit through it due to being so slim. He looked around. The door had a lock on it.
He quietly climbed on the toilet and tried the window.

He knew this was probably his only chance, so he had to take it. His heartbeat raced up again as he sneaked to the door and locked it.

What he didn't know was that Minho was standing right on the other side of it.

"Aish... bad, bad detective." Han heard Minho's voice, realizing he'd fucked up.

He rushed to the window as Minho began throwing himself towards the door to get through it.


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