chapter 14

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Han held back tears as he slowly backed up to lean against the bathroom wall. He held his head between his hands tightly, messing up his hair.
He looked small, and Minho felt guilty.

"Get up."
Minho didn't know how to express what he was feeling, so he resorted to his familiar cold act. However, when Han didn't answer, he began doubting himself a bit.

"Uh... I said get up."

Han's head was pounding and he had blood all over him. The blood wasn't what was making him feel dirty though - it was the touch that he still felt all over his body, the touch that made him want to rip his own skin out. He heard Minho talk, but he was unable to tell apart any words.


Han's vision started to get blurry and Minho's voice faded away completely. He lost touch with his consciousness and his arms fell to his sides.


Brown eyes opened to stare at the ceiling in yet another room they didn't recognize.

It was dark despite the small, blurry window Han noticed to be next to him, but looking around he could tell it was someone's bedroom. His hands found their way to his sides, touching the soft fabric of Minho's sheets.

A glass of water and two pills next to it awaited Han on the small bedside table next to his head. Based on the pounding headache that tortured him, he decided it was best to swallow the pills. He downed the glass of water pretty quickly, dried blood from his lips dissolving into the water.
He was thirsty, yes, but mostly just tired. He couldn't believe that he was laying on an actual bed.

Deciding to ignore the fact that it was for sure someone else's- he was too tired to care -he rolled over and snuggled into the warm blanket hoping to drift off again.

"Wake up, wake up! We're leaving." Changbin shook Han's shoulder making him wince awake.

"What??" Han asked, disoriented.

"Minho wanted to let you sleep for a little longer, but now we're in a hurry. Come on, get up."

"You're leaving?"

"Yes, and you're coming with us."

"...To where?"

"You'll see."

Han fixed his hoodie and wiped some blood off of his neck getting up. The sleepiness had worn off completely and he was both scared and curious to go outside.
Changbin led him out of the bedroom, moving the metal plate for Han. Going down the stairs Han realized someone must've carried him up them while he was unconscious. He assumed it was Changbin, no one else in the house seemed kind or strong enough. It was probably his bedroom too.

Hyunjin was fixing his hair looking at the broken hallway mirror. He glanced at Han cautiously.

Minho had explained to him what happened with I.N earlier, and the way Han was now clutching onto his blood-stained hoodie made him feel guilty for something he didn't do. He acted like he didn't notice and marched out of the already wide open front door.

The night was cold but clear as Han stepped outside, filling every inch of his lungs with the fresh air. He had no idea where they were going but at least they were out of the house.

Changbin closed the door behind them carrying the black gym bag again. He rolled his eyes at Minho, who was already sitting in the driver's seat in the black car parked in the driveway, his window down, yelling:

"Dwaekki! Walk faster, or I'll leave without you!"

Hyunjin opened the car door for Han to enter, I.N already occupying the front seat. Han got in feeling a little uncomfortable being in such a confined space with the guys. After Changbin stuffed his gym back in the trunk, he crammed himself in the backseat too, making Han's body squish between Hyunjin's and Changbin's shoulders.

Minho drove off immediately with his tires screeching, not paying any attention to the backseat, where Han hadn't even gotten the chance to fasten his seatbelt.
Despite announcing that they were late, he seemed pretty cheery, driving so much over the speed limit that Han wanted to close his eyes and pray.

Minho's window was still open, and he enjoyed the wind on his face reminding him of freedom.

Next thing, I.N laughed at him as he cursed, a result of another car almost crashing into them and Minho having to slam on the brakes suddenly.
Han spent the rest of the ride recovering from a mini heart attack.

Minho finally parked the car on the side on the road in a seemingly random location. They were surrounded by tall but old buildings, the yellow streetlights coloring their surroundings. As they got out of the car Han noticed an old, colorful playground on their left. The lonely swing was moving slightly with the wind.

"He'll be late." I.N said, staring at his phone. Minho sighed.

Hyunjin walked away from the car and the group with his phone in his hand and sat down on the wet grass on the edge of the playground, leaning onto a tree.


Felix was laying in his bed in the darkness, cuddling a big pillow and trying to catch some sleep. His thoughts constantly shifting to a certain coworker of his made the task slightly impossible.

His phone was next to him, and just as he was about to give up and grab it, the screen turned on and cast it's bright light on the ceiling.

Felix turned down the brightness, and seeing the notification he froze.

He'd half hoped the message would be from Chan, but it was an unknown number. The message was simple, but it sent shivers down his spine:

You're in danger. Drop the case.


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