chapter 21

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"When was the last time you ate something?" Felix asked Hyunjin as he was grabbing a water bottle from his bag.

"It wasn't too long ago. I'm fine." Hyunjin muttered resting his head against the wall.

"You look half dead, Hyunjin. Don't lie." Felix wiped his hair out of his face and opened the bottle for him.

Hyunjin took a rushed sip of water - he'd accidentally touched Felix's hand taking the bottle, leading to a cold shiver that he was trying to cover up.

He was also quite thirsty, not that he'd noticed as his mind was somewhere else.
It's partly why it annoyed him so much that Felix wasn't listening to what he was trying to get across - he didn't even notice it himself how sleep deprived and hungry he really was.

"That's irrelevant. I need you to-"

"You shouldn't be here. We have to get you inside, you're freezing." Felix stated looking around nervously to see if anyone was around.

"No, absolutely not."

"How are you still this stupid? You're gonna die of starvation and hypothermia if I leave you out here alone."

"So don't leave. Lix, listen to me," Hyunjin looked at him in the eyes, pleading.
"You have to stop. Leave that case to someone else. Please."

Felix paused. He'd forgotten what hearing that nickname felt like.

"Because it's dangerous."

"I'm safe with my coworkers,"

Hyunjin frowned at how wrong Felix was with that statement.

"And we're going inside." Felix continued.

After hesitating for unknown reasons he decided to not give Hyunjin any help with walking, which he soon regretted as he watched the taller cringe with every other step in pain.

"Put your hood up. There's not too many people around here at this hour but we better play things safe." Felix covered up his guilt by talking as he glanced around cautiously.

Hyunjin pulled his hood over his head, holding onto the sides as they went inside the station.

They passed multiple offices and interrogation rooms as they walked through the corridors to get to the lab.

Hyunjin's heart was beating like crazy thinking about what would happen if Felix knew what he'd done. Who he really was now. And how much he was supposed to be in cuffs in one of those cold, cruel and grey interrogation rooms. How he was supposed to be locked away for life.

He knew Felix was only a forensic scientist, but he couldn't help wondering if Felix would do it; restrain him, watch him confess, make him confess, lock him up.

Because if that was the case, he wouldn't be able to lie to him.
And then Felix would hate him.

Hyunjin swallowed loudly and continued following Felix, his head pressed down and his eyes glued to the floor.

Felix bowed to a woman who passed by; her hair was dark and curly, and her tired small smile beautiful. She was carrying a bunch of papers.

"Oh Felix, wait a second!"
She called out to him and Felix turned around.

"Yeah, Tanya?" Felix's voice was weirdly sweet.

"Do you happen to know when Han is coming back? I have something important for him to look at."

"Sorry, I don't know. But it should be soon. He can't be sick much longer."
Felix said, making Tanya nod slowly, her full lips making a straight line.

"Sorry." Felix smiled apologetically.

They reached the lab and Felix opened the door slowly. Seungmin had luckily left already, so it was empty. Felix turned the lights on and urged Hyunjin to step inside.

"So this is where you work?" Hyunjin asked carefully, daring to finally take his hood off to get a better look around even though his eyesight was a bit blurry.

"Mhm. Sit there." Felix told him half-mindedly. He had his phone out and was texting someone.

A minute later the lab door opened again, the person entering with a sandwich in his hand. Hyunjin looked at Felix, caught off guard, but the scientist just nodded.

Hyunjin turned his head back to see two dimples and blonde hair.

Curly blonde hair.

""It's really too bad that your one and only love is just a few remains of my curly haired friends' willpower away from being rammed into.""

"Aww detective, morning wood is nothing to be embarrassed about," Minho cooed.
"And it's also easy to take care of. Need help with that?" He added, tilting his head cunningly.

"No!" Han panicked. He did not want help. He was embarrassed out of his mind.

"Are you sure? You don't want to walk around like that, do you?"

Han couldn't reply to that, so instead he pressed his face against the sheets again hoping to disappear.

That didn't work.

Minho found the sight of the blushing, squirming boy in his bed more arousing than he was perhaps supposed to and slowly kneeled on the edge of the bed, hovering over Han's small, curled up figure.

His smile had now faded, because although he was still amused by the detective's embarrasment, the feeling was quickly becoming overruled by want.

Han felt a finger lift his chin up and he opened his eyes to see Minho's face awfully close to his. The intense look on the killer's face intimidated him so much that he had to sit up to get away from his touch.

"I- I'm going to the bathroom." Han announced and stood up.

Minho grabbed his wrist sternly.
"You," he said slowly.

"...are not going anywhere."

Han stopped breathing for a second during which Minho yanked him back on the bed.

Han let out a pathetic yelp as he landed on his back. His hoodie rode up in the process, baring his lower stomach a little, but he was unable to pull it down; in a split second Minho had taken complete control over him, moving to sit on top of his thin legs and holding both of his wrists tightly pressed against the sheets above Han's head.

Han struggled against him and tried to wriggle away, but it led to nothing. He was helpless.

"Hnghh" he tried to muster up words but all that came out was another pathetic little sound.

Minho smiled cockily at his desperate attempts, firmly holding the boy under him down and watching him flush red as he struggled more.

"Ngh- I need to g-go-"

"No, I don't think so. What you need,"
Minho lowered his voice and moved his mouth closer to Han's ear.
"Is some assistance."

He adjusted his grip on Han's wrists so that he was able to free one of his hands, lowering his head at the same time to blow lightly in Han's ear. Han's entire body shuddered, an undeniable cue about the state which he was in.

He slowly stopped struggling and squeezed his eyes shut, feeling cold fingers graze up the left side of his stomach.

It felt too good for Han to find any motivation to make him stop.

The fingers went up his chest, leaving behind red scratch marks.

Han's breathing was unstable as he mustered up all his effort to squeeze his legs - trapped under Minho - together and to keep quiet.

"Just let me help."


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