chapter 5

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Han's brain was overworked with the amount of thinking he had to do in such a short period of time.
For it was already 5pm when they got Minho's call, they had to come up with a plan quickly.

Based on what Minho said, he only wanted the head of the group, which made Han the perfect bait. He was explaining this to the others.

"I'll walk in there, exactly like they want me to. I'll go and act like I'm some self-absorbed, gun-waving idiot cop who thinks he can catch criminals by himself," Han moved his hands in sync with his speech.

"That should do the trick, make them think they have me."

They decided to use two different cars so that Han wouldn't be caught with the others. Just as Minho predicted they would. 

"You three will park your car far enough so they can't hear you coming." Han pulled out his tablet and searched up a map.
He typed in the address Seungmin had hastily written on the back of some old lab report papers.
He pointed at the screen;

"Around here somewhere. Then sneak along this alley, and get as close to me as possible. Once they show themselves, you know what to do."

"And Chan, my beloved partner, please make sure these two little forensic scientists don't die in there.
I know they're not exactly supposed to be doing field work, but I'd rather count on them than ask for help from you-know-who."
Han was referring to their co-worker, who could just as well be the devil reincarnated.
The beer-bellied and baldheaded short man was the last person anyone would want to turn to.
In fact Han really pitied his team, who had to put up with him and his arrogant and near dictator-like behavior every day.

"Gee, thanks." Seungmin rolled his eyes. "You're making us sound like some helpless idiots. Trust, I can hold a gun just as well as you two."

Chan rolled his eyes at Han.
"I will, thanks. Seungmin's really fun to work with when you've pissed him off."

"I'm right here, assholes." Seungmin furrowed his eyebrows.

"We know you are."

They knew they were taking a huge risk by diving into something like this so quick without really knowing who they were up against.
But Han was excited. He hadn't had a case this exciting since ever, and wanted to prove himself.

Like an idiot cop, Han had said as a joke, but now he really was feeling like one, going into this even though in the back of his mind he knew it was too early.

Moments later, they were in the locker room preparing to leave. They had to help each other try on bullet vests to find a good size, and at the moment Seungmin was reluctantly helping Chan put on his.
Han and Chan already had vests of their own, but Felix and Seungmin had to find new ones.

"This still fits just fine," Chan said looking at himself wearing the black vest in the mirror.
Seungmin smacked him in the back gently and then walked away to find one for himself.

Meanwhile, Felix was struggling with a vest too big for him. He couldn't reach the velcro strap on his backside and his face was turning red from the struggle.

"Fuck", he muttered.

"Here, let me help..." Chan walked behind him.

He placed his other hand on Felix's hip for support, making Felix's eyes widen once again at the sudden touch. Then he pulled on the strap harshly, yanking Felix's body by his waist.
Felix got a weird feeling in his stomach.

"Let me find you a better size," Chan said sliding the vest off of him and placing it back.
"Let's see, this one's smaller," He grabbed another black vest from the rack.

Chan helped him get the smaller vest on as Felix stood there, looking at himself in the mirror being handled by the blonde. The red on his cheeks just wouldn't go down.

"Thank you," Felix said carefully. Chan smiled at him.


Minho's fluffy black hair was being thrown around by the harsh wind. He had one hand on the steering wheel and all the windows lowered down as he drove way over the speed limit.
The streetlights were flashing by like lightning, and Minho listened to the loud noise of the wind and the screams of freedom in the backseat.

No one was wearing their seatbelt, and Hyunjin had stuck his upper body out of the sunroof.
He spread his arms to his sides, closed his eyes and let the wind hit his body. I.N was reaching his head out of the window too, letting his screams drown under the deafening noise of the passing cars.
Changbin was holding him down by his waist laughing, but still slightly worried I.N would fall out of the window. 

Minho couldn't help the little smile that was twitching the corner of his mouth as he watched his boys through the rearview mirror.


Han was sitting in his car and tapping his steering wheel anxiously, being held off by a red light. As soon as it turned yellow, he pressed down on the gas pedal and drove off with his tires screeching.
The tight bullet vest was keeping his posture straight and he felt the guns pressing on him that he had hidden all over his body.
His heart was pumping blood faster than usual and he heard the blood rushing in his head.

He took a turn off the bigger road and soon reached his destination.

This should be it.

He turned off his car and after quickly pulling his gun out of his pocket, got up and out of the car.

And he heard it almost immediately.

Gut wrenching screams, filling his ears and echoing off the walls of the nearest buildings.

Desperate screams of pain, that were beyond the point of forming words. Just screams.

Han began to run towards them.


Saw somebody say Chanlix was dead and I'm here to prove them wrong so Chanlix will be the main sideship for this story:3

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