chapter 2

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Han was walking through a corridor at the police station to get to his superior, who had called him earlier about a new case she suspected Han and his team might be interested in.

Han entered his office, knocking on the door that was already open.

"So, what have you got for me?"
He asked from her.

The woman looked away from her computer at Han.
She had long, brown wavy hair on a ponytail, and sharp eyes in contrast to her round face and big lips. She had silver jewellery on, which stood out against her dark skin.

"Hi Jisung." She smiled.
"Now, to be completely honest I called you because I'm afraid you're the only one of my guys that could handle this one." She explained.

"Of course I am. I'm the best of the best." Han said playfully and fixed his shirt.

"Hmph," She bridled.
"Come take a look, I've got the case file here."

Jisung walked to her and stood over the table, looking at the first page of the case.

"This is a suspected group of four men, which has committed at least five confirmed murders and a few other violent crimes that we are currently aware of. There are probably many more, though.

All the victims have been brutally murdered, at night, in varying locations. Some victims were either found mutilated or had some very interesting and specific injuries.

One victim's body had signs of what could have been hours of suffering and torture before he died.
However in most cases the worst and most detailed damage was done after the victim had already passed.", The woman explained the case shortly.

"To me it seems as though the murderers are trying to send some kind of messages through their work. For example, a victim who had previously committed
an act of misconduct was found with his- uh, private part cut off, as well as his hands.

I think this is some the most twisted stuff I've ever encountered. They must be some kind of psychopaths." She said incredulously.

"Right up my alley, then." Jisung uttered.

"They've just discovered the body of the latest victim, so I called you instantly." She continued.

"If you and your team are interested and want to see it for yourselves, you better get going. I'll email you the address."
She looked at Han who looked pensive.

"I'm in." Han said simply.

"Great." She handed him the file.

"Get going already."


"Felix! Seungmin!" Han yelled, walking perkily inside the forensic science department's laboratory.

The laboratory was a big room that had a counter and shelves across every white wall.
There was an island -almost like the ones that some kitchens have-, with a sink and everything, in the middle of the room.
The countertops were crowded with different kinds of evidence, and equipment, for example microscopes. There was also a whiteboard on the right side of the room.

The two guys were wearing white jackets and were both working on something from previous cases, Seungmin adjusting a microscope and Felix handling a small glass container. They both lifted their gazes up from their work reluctantly when they heard Han enter the room.

"What is it this time?" Seungmin asked in an already bored tone.

"I promise I've got something good this time." Han leaned on the table and tilted his head.

"Well?" Felix asked.

"It's a new case that Tanya wouldn't give to anyone else. A group of some deranged serial killers."

"Well doesn't that just sound like a dream come true." Seungmin mumbled.

"Ahh come on, aren't you at least a little bit interested? They've just found a new body, don't you want to go look? It's all smashed up and twisted." Han tried to lure him.
"Just get a little peek? Hm? Felix?"

"Seungmin, don't you think we should go? I mean, if there literally wasn't anyone else who could take this, right? They need us."
Felix said, trying to follow Han's provocative way of speech.

"Exactly, what Felix said." Han smiled.

Seungmin sighed.
"Whatever. Someone go get Chan."

A few moments later, Han had fetched Chan, the other homicide detective that officially worked as Han's partner, from their office.

Han brought him up to date about the case as they had walked back, and now the group of four was headed to their car.

Chan was wearing black neat clothes, which made his blonde curly hair stand out and frame his beautiful face perfectly.

Han couldn't help but notice Felix in the rearview mirror, fixing his hair nervously as Chan sat down next to him in the backseat.
A rosy shade appeared on Felix's freckled cheeks as he side eyed the man on his left for pretty much the entire car ride.

"Right, we're here. Nonhyeon-dong apartments."
Han announced and stopped the engine.

"If this is some boring shit and you've wasted my time, I swear to god-"
Seungmin said resentfully, although there was always a hint of sarcasm or playfulness to his tone.

"You're about to find out. Oh, and if you hate it and decide to kill me, please do it while I'm sound asleep."
Han pleaded by putting his palms together.

"I think I'd rather make you suffer."
Seungmin said looking down at him, standing one step higher than him as they had entered the building and began climbing up the stairs.
"Maybe I'll use the guys in this case as a source of inspiration."

"Shiver me timbers."

Felix's and Han's laugh echoed through the empty stairway as they climbed up to the apartment.

Some others were already there, restricting the area and flagging the evidence.

"Oh god, what a smell." Chan gagged entering the apartment.

"Yeah, apparently this poor guy took a few days to find." Han said pinching his nose.

Seungmin and Felix had brought their cameras with them, and as soon as they laid eyes on the horrifying sight that the body was, the cameras started clicking.

In addition to his completely inwards collapsed chest and stomach, the man's limbs were broken and stuck out to different directions. He also had a carved, bloody smile, starting from the corners of his mouth, going up to his ears.

"Jesus." Seungmin remarked.


So that's the first chapters to get started, what do you think?

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