chapter 1

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Minho tilted his head up as much as he could and eyed the sky.
He let out a deep breath, and the moisture that escaped his mouth turned into a cloud in the cold air. Minho watched it drift away.

If it wasn't for the air pollution and the brights lights of the city, Minho figured he could've been looking at stars.

After a moment he lowered his chin and redirected his gaze forward.

A cold, dark night in Seoul fed the darkness that was living in his chest,
in place of his heart.

"Gangnam-gu, Nonhyeon-dong apartments", I.N pronounced.
"I think we're in the right place."

The youngest of the group was dressed in a black hoodie, the hood over his head and the blue light of his phone shining on his face.

Hyunjin and Changbin were standing next to him dressed similarly.
Hyunjin fluffed up his short, blonde hair with his hands.

Minho stood out from the group.
He wasn't trying to make himself unnoticeable or unmemorable, on the contrary. He wasn't scared of getting caught. He didn't care.
He was wearing multiple earrings, rings and necklaces that reflected the light of the street lamps.
His red, gold and black jacket had detailed tigers sewn on it on the front.

Changbin dropped a black gym bag that he'd been carrying to the ground. It let out a louder sound than he'd expected and he jumped a bit.

"Ah, shit-"

"Not here, dumbass. We'll go inside."
Minho scolded.
"we can't just expect him to come outside."

Minho gestured them to move inside. As they walked past Changbin who was struggling to lift the bag back up, Hyunjin playfully turned his head to look back and stick his tongue out at him.

Changbin got annoyed with the straps that were all tangled up, and Hyunjin making fun of him didn't help.

"whatever", he grunted and lifted the whole bag to his shoulder.

The building was an old apartment building, and as they climbed up to the third floor they saw graffiti's, and some suspicious dark spots on the walls that Changbin confidently announced to be mold. Hyunjin's eyebrows furrowed as he heard the word.
I.N noticed Hyunjin's disgusted face and playfully hit his arm. I.N mocked him by wiping his hand on the wall and then trying to touch Hyunjin with it.

"Ooh, mold." He laughed.

"that is so not funny."
Hyunjin tried to push his hand away.

"This is it, apartment 17."
Minho said and without hesitation knocked on the black door in front of him.
they waited for a while and then heard a muffled, irritated voice from the other side of the door.

"What the fuck? It's the middle of the night, for fuck's sake."

Minho smiled to himself.
"that's the smallest of your worries right now."

A young, curly haired man wearing only a white tank top and boxers opened the door.

Minho pushed him back with the force of both his hands and stepped inside the apartment confidently.
the man fell to the ground, and when he quickly tried to get up, Minho pushed him back down by his chest with his shoe. The others walked in too, closing the door behind them. Changbin threw the gym bag off his shoulder and opened it.
Minho stepped over to the bag and grabbed a baseball bat that had sharp nails sticking out from it.
He threw it on his shoulder and turned back to face the now scared looking guy.

Minho's heart started beating faster as he held the bat. Not out of nervousness, but out of excitement.

"What are you doing? Who are you? Why are you here? Let me go!"
The guy started chanting as he recovered from the surprise a bit.

Minho's hair swinged as kicked the man in the stomach.
The man grunted loudly in pain.

Minho smiled, blew his hair out of his face and said,
"I think you know why we're here, don't you?"

"I don't! I swear I haven't done anything! please..." He whined desperately.

"yada-yada. You know. Say it."

"Say it!"
Minho yelled.
The look in his eyes was menacing as he stared into the guy's soul.

"...I don't know."

"this motherfucker-" I.N muttered to himself.

"Hm." Minho hummed.
"I.N, why don't you take the honor. Go ahead and make his pretty face unrecognizable."

I.N looked pleased as he reached out to his hoodie's pocket and grabbed his very own shiny, black brass knuckles.

He walked back over to the guy and heavily kicked the guy in his face. As the man grunted in pain again, I.N crouched over him and struck his fist in his face.
the metal knuckles worked their magic, and after just a few hits, the man's face was bleeding all over the floor.

"careful with his eyes." Minho added.
"I want him to be able to see me once his heart stops beating."

The man on the floor was in a state of terror and blinding pain and tried to aimlessly swing his hands and legs around to hit something.

Changbin laughed at him.
"look at this guy."

"He looks like a puppet. You know, like a marionette." Hyunjin chuckled.

"I think I know what we'll do with this one, then." Minho said.

I.N got up and revealed a bloody mess. the guys nose was broken and he had numerous wounds all over his face. Minho was pretty sure his jaw was dislocated, too. But his eyes were unharmed.

Hyunjin walked over to I.N and stroked his black hair.
"I think this is some of your best work yet."

Then they both looked at Minho, and decided to step back.

Minho tightened his grip around the bat, and felt the adrenaline starting to rush though his veins as he stared at his next victim with a glow in his eyes.

pure fear was the last thing the man ever felt, and Minho loved the fact that you could see it in his eyes.

Minho swinged his bat and felt the nails push through skin. A second hit, and he felt bone crush up.

The left corner of his mouth curved up as the person under him stopped breathing.
And he kept going.


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